
This guide describes the structure, application, and limitations of the Fire Safety Concepts Tree, which provides an overall structure with which to analyze the potential impact of fire safety strategies.

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Help improve your understanding and ability to apply critical fire safety concepts by referencing NFPA 550.

The Fire Safety Concepts Tree provides an overall structure for analyzing the possible effect of fire safety strategies and identifying gaps and redundancies to support fire safety decisions. NFPA 550, Guide to the Fire Safety Concepts Tree, describes the purpose, structure, limitations, and application of the Fire Safety Concepts Tree to maximize fire safety performance.

The guide examines the system-based methodology addressing the relationship of features of fire protection and suppression and their impact on accomplishing particular safety goals and objectives. NFPA 550 also specifies methods fire safety professionals can use to convey concepts for cultivating more effective strategies and solutions for improving fire safety and protection.

NFPA 550 is a powerful tool for designers, architects, engineers, consultants, code officials, and others who play a role in facilitating the advancement of fire safety and performance. The guide covers the structure of the Fire Safety Concepts Tree, including logic, objectives, prevention of fire ignition, and impact management, as well as the applications, limitations, and use of the tree.

The Fire Safety Concepts Tree used in concert with fundamental fire protection engineering principles can help users to:

  • Accurately and efficiently analyze related codes and standards
  • Consider the complete range of measures of fire safety and how they are interrelated
  • Further the advancement of performance-based designs
  • Conduct analysis of the potential influence of implementing strategic concepts
  • Promote improved decision making by identifying voids and redundant areas in strategies for fire protection


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