
This standard provides fire protection requirements for vessels during the course of construction, conversion, repairs, or while laid up.

2021 Table of Contents

NFPA® 312 Standard for Fire Protection of Vessels During Construction, Conversion, Repair, and Lay-Up 2021 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Construction, Conversion, and Repair
4.1 Inspection.
4.2 Rubbish, Waste Materials, Oil Spills, and General Care.
4.3 Smoking.
4.4 Storage of Explosives, Flammable Material, and Dangerous Cargo.
4.5 Use of Open-Flame or Spark-Emitting Devices and Fire Watch.
4.6 Electrical Installations.
4.7 Application of Paints and Other Flammable Compounds.
4.8 Protection of Doors and Other Openings.
4.9 Staging, Gangways, Access, and Miscellaneous Structures.
4.10 Watch Service.
4.11 Fire Alarm Service.
4.12 Fire Protection Equipment.
4.13 Fire Brigade.
4.14 Vessel Stability During Fire Fighting.
4.15 Testing of Fire Protection Equipment.
Chapter 5 Lay-Up
5.1 Application.
5.2 Governmental Authorities.
5.3 Lay-Up Locations.
5.4 Lay-Up Berths at Dock.
5.5 Vessel Preparation.
5.6 Power Source.
5.7 Planning and Station Bills.
5.8 General Care and Cleanliness.
5.9 Closure of Ventilation and Other Openings.
5.10 Storage of Explosive and Flammable Materials.
5.11 Temporary Heating Arrangements.
5.12 Temporary Electrical Wiring.
5.13 Watch Service.
5.14 Fire Detection and Fire Alarms.
5.15 Access.
5.16 Vessel Stability.
5.17 Fire Protection Equipment.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.
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About This Product

Help ensure fire safety on and around marine vessels while being built, repaired, converted, or laid up with NFPA 312.

When vessels are out of the water or not in use, it’s critical to follow protocols for protecting them from fire and related hazards. NFPA 312, Standard for Fire Protection of Vessels During Construction, Conversion, Repair, and Lay-Up, provides fire personnel, construction professionals, facility owners and managers, insurance professionals, and AHJs with general requirements for identifying and minimizing dangers and being prepared for emergency response.

The standard applies to each stage of a vessel’s operational life cycle, from cradle through retirement, including changing from one type of service to another.

NFPA 312 covers fire and life safety provisions for:

  • General care and cleanliness
  • Electrical installations
  • Fire protection equipment
  • Use of open-flame or spark-emitting devices
  • Storage of explosive and flammable materials
  • Paint application inspection
  • Guidance for fire watch training, and more

The 2021 edition is updated to account for the latest information and best practices.

The revised NFPA 312 includes a variety of editorial changes as well as significant amendments to requirements for the lay-up of vessels in Chapter 5 of the standard. New requirements and guidance information focus on:

  • Cleaning before lay-up
  • Preparation of stern gland, oil-water separator, fuel, and lubricating oil systems
  • Readiness condition of fire protection systems
  • The availability of emergency towing, pumping, and firefighting assistance for a vessel while it is in lay-up status
  • Updated requirements and recommendations for watch service during the vessel lay-up period

Take confidence you have the most current and complete criteria for helping to protect vessels while they are being worked on or are laid-up.

Place your order for NFPA 312, Standard for Fire Protection of Vessels During Construction, Conversion, Repair, and Lay-Up, 2021 edition. (Print, 24 pp, 2021)

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.