
This standard provides requirements for the safe use of pyrotechnic special effects before a proximate audience at both indoor and outdoor locations to protect property, operators, performers, support personnel, and viewing audiences. Application includes use in conjunction with theatrical, musical, or similar performing arts productions in theaters, stadiums, concert halls, etc.

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Get up-to-date with the latest requirements for using pyrotechnics in front of an audience to help ensure safety and compliance.

The application of pyrotechnics represents inherent dangers to people and property. NFPA 1126, Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience, provides comprehensive criteria for the safe use of these types of devices and special effects in musical, theatrical, or similar types of productions.

The standard was developed to address the recognized need to safeguard operators, performers, support personnel, and viewing audiences where pyrotechnics are used. Applicable locations include indoor and outdoor stadiums, theaters, concert halls, and other venues. Content covers everything from requirements for manufacturers and the use of pyrotechnics to transportation, storage, and permitting.

The 2021 edition is revised to reflect the most current knowledge, practices, and technology.

Whether you are a designer, manufacturer, user, or authority having jurisdiction, it’s crucial to have access to the most relevant information on pyrotechnic special effects. The new NFPA 1126 features a variety of revisions that can impact you in your work.

Notable changes to the standard include:

  • Addition of pyrotechnic effect simulation equipment to the definition of pyrotechnic device to clarify that pyrotechnic effect simulation equipment is a pyrotechnic device and subject to the same requirements as the pyrotechnic devices it simulates
  • Revised provisions for portable fire extinguishers in conjunction with the change of definition of a pyrotechnic device to require compatibility with the fuel source being used for the effect
  • Amendments to concussion mortar separation requirements to specify more accurately the separation of the audience from fallout debris from the effect

Help ensure pyrotechnics are manufactured, used, transported, and maintained properly by referencing and applying NFPA 1126 criteria.

A negative incident involving pyrotechnic special effects can result in injury and loss of life and property in addition to fines, lawsuits, and financial liabilities. Help make sure productions are safe and in compliance by ordering your copy of NFPA 1126, Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before an Approximate Audience, 2021 edition.

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