$113.04 - $1,446.91

This standard provides information on the methods for purging and pressurizing electrical equipment enclosures to prevent ignition of a flammable atmosphere, whether introduced into the enclosure by a surrounding external atmosphere or by an internal source.

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Help Reduce the Potential for Fire in Purged and Pressurized Enclosures.

Electrical equipment fires, explosions, and other dangers relating to the ignition of a flammable atmosphere pose a significant threat to people and property. Help identify and mitigate the threat in Class I and Class II locations by complying with NFPA 496, Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment.

NFPA 496 offers comprehensive criteria for designing and operating purged and pressurized electrical equipment enclosures, such as:

  • Electrical equipment located in areas classified as hazardous
  • Electrical equipment containing sources of flammable vapors or gases that are located in either classified or unclassified areas
  • Control rooms or buildings located in areas classified as hazardous
  • Analyzer rooms containing sources of flammable vapors or gases that are located in areas classified as hazardous


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$113.04 - $1,446.91