$113.04 - $1,175.62

This standard protects the safety of the public, facility personnel, and the environment from the effects of fire or explosions on radiological and other hazardous materials at all facilities handling radioactive materials, except nuclear reactors.

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Help reduce risks of fire and explosions in facilities handling radioactive materials with NFPA 801, Standard for Fire Protection for Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials.

The public, facility personnel, and the environment are inherently vulnerable to hazards relating to radioactive materials. This standard offers comprehensive safety requirements and guidance for the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of facilities handling radioactive materials—excluding nuclear reactors covered by NFPA 804, Padrão de proteção contra incêndio para usinas de geração de energia elétrica de reatores avançados de água leve, NFPA 805, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, and NFPA 806, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Electric Generating Plants Change Process.

The standard offers fire protection criteria for mitigating personal dangers, safeguarding property, and minimizing process interruption resulting from fire and explosion.

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$113.04 - $1,175.62