
This standard provides fire prevention and fire protection requirements for safeguarding life and physical property associated with buildings or facilities that employ stationary fuel cell systems of all sizes.

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Get current with fire prevention and fire protection requirements for safeguarding life and physical property associated with buildings or facilities that employ stationary fuel cell power system installations.

With the rise in popularity and use of fuel cells as a source of power, it is crucial that there be recognized criteria for helping to protect people and property in environments where these types of equipment and components are in use. NFPA 853, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems, provides industry-leading knowledge applying to the design, construction, and installation of systems of all sizes.

From information on equipment configurations and indoor, outdoor, and rooftop installations to requirements for fuel supplies, ventilation, and fire safety and emergency planning, NFPA 853 stands as an indispensable resource for architects, fire protection engineers, and building owners/managers. The standard offers comprehensive fire prevention and protection provisions for buildings and facilities equipped with the following types of equipment:

  • Singular prepackaged, self-contained power system units
  • Any combination of prepackaged, self-contained power system units
  • Power system units made up of two or more factory-matched modular components intended for assembly in the field
  • Engineered and field-constructed power systems utilizing fuel cells

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