2020 Table of Contents
NFPA® 451 Guide for Community Health Care Programs 2020 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Advisory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 System Governance
4.1 General.
4.2 Governance.
4.3 Local Governance.
4.4 Patient Health Information Protection.
4.5 Provider Health and Wellness.
4.6 Personnel Training Requirements.
Chapter 5 System and Community Needs Assessment
5.1 General.
5.2 Community Analysis.
5.3 Historical Patient Data, Call History, and Demand.
5.4 Comparable Organizations/Professionals.
5.5 Determination of Prevention and Management Targets.
5.6 Establish Program Goals and Objectives.
5.7 Analysis of Internal System Resources.
5.8 Program Design.
5.9 Analysis of Program Barriers.
5.10 Provider Support.
5.11 Finances.
5.12 Oversight.
5.13 Continual Risk Assessment and Planning.
5.14 Program Design Analysis.
5.15 Performance Measures as Program Design Features.
5.16 Program Expansion or Retraction.
5.17 Preparedness.
5.18 Prevention.
5.19 Quality.
Chapter 6 Financial Modeling
6.1 General.
6.2 Budgeting.
6.3 Economic Models.
6.4 Payment Regulation.
6.5 Cost Reporting.
Chapter 7 Medical Oversight
7.1 General.
7.2 Medical Authority.
7.3 System Support of Medical Authority.
7.4 Medical Authority Role.
7.5 Medical Director Responsibilities.
7.6 Online and Off-Line (Direct and Indirect) Medical Direction.
7.7 Medical Director Qualifications.
Chapter 8 Quality Management
8.1 Quality Management Program.
8.2 Performance Objectives.
8.3 Public Health Outcome Parameters.
8.4 Physician Participation.
8.5 Patient Confidentiality.
8.6 Injury/Illness Reduction and Prevention.
8.7 Complaints.
8.8 Participation in Studies and Research.
8.9 System Review.
8.10 Documentation.
Chapter 9 Stakeholder Relations
9.1 General.
9.2 Community Health Care Provider Goals.
9.3 Internal Stakeholder Relations.
9.4 External Stakeholder Relations.
9.5 Regulatory Stakeholders Relations.
9.6 Payer Stakeholder Relations.
9.7 Achieving Stakeholder Relations Success.
Chapter 10 Health Information Technology (HIT) and Communications Technology
10.1 Interoperability in Health Care Information and Management Systems.
10.2 Patient Care Record Accessibility.
10.3 Data Security.
10.4 Communications.
10.5 Delivering HIT.
10.6 Telemedicine.
10.7 Telehealth.
Chapter 11 Human Resources
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Recruitment.
11.3 Training, Certification, and Education.
11.4 Retention.
11.5 Personnel.
11.6 Rules and Regulations.
11.7 Health and Safety.
Chapter 12 Equipment and Facilities
12.1 General.
12.2 Vehicles.
12.3 Vehicle Maintenance.
12.4 Vehicle Licenses.
12.5 Personnel Driver’s Licenses.
12.6 Operator Training.
12.7 Driver Safety.
12.8 Medical Equipment.
12.9 Medications.
12.10 Inspecting Medical Equipment and Medications.
12.11 Replacement Plan.
12.12 Facilities.
Chapter 13 Delivery Model(s)
13.1 Community Health Care Program (CHP) Integration into Local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System.
13.2 System Preparation.
13.3 Communications Coordination.
13.4 Service Coordination.
13.5 Patient Management.
13.6 Treatment Guidelines.
13.7 Functional Capabilities of Health Care Facilities.
13.8 Quality Management/Documentation.
13.9 Logistics.
13.10 Staff Management.
13.11 Public Information, Education, and Relations.
13.12 Regulatory Compliance.
13.13 Training.
13.14 Research and Development.
Chapter 14 Program Implementation
14.1 Purpose.
14.2 Management Oversight.
14.3 Establishing an Implementation Plan.
14.4 Communicating the Plan.
14.5 Marketing Strategies.
14.6 Financial Considerations.
14.7 Data Collection.
14.8 Plan Review.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References
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