$113.04 - $499.00

This standard provides comprehensive requirements for respiratory protection for wildland fire fighting personnel from inhalation hazards in non-IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) wildland environments. Please note: This Standard is in a custom cycle due to the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council. For revision cycle information, see the Next Edition tab. Important: At the December 2024 meeting, the NFPA Standards Council approved a request from the Technical Committee to remove NFPA 1984 from the consolidated draft, NFPA 1985. NFPA 1984 will continue as a stand-alone standard and is open for public input in the ERRS Annual 2027 revision cycle.


The 2022 edition of NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations, includes information about:
An expanded range of protected personnel (including urban interface fire-fighters)
A layered filtering approach for individual respiratory protection
Typical use scenarios based on anticipated inhalation or hazard exposure
NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire-Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations, is essential for fire service personnel responsible for wildland fire-fighting operations, as well as for purchasers, manufacturers, certification authorities, and anyone concerned with wildland fire-fighter respiratory protection.
(Print, 32 pp., 2022)

Table of Contents

NFPA® 1984 Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire-Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations 2022 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Units.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. (Reserved)
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Certification
4.1 General.
4.2 Certification Program.
4.3 Inspection and Testing.
4.4 Annual Verification of Product Compliance.
4.5 Manufacturers’ Quality Assurance Program.
4.6 Hazards Involving Compliant Product.
4.7 Manufacturers’ Investigation of Complaints and Returns.
4.8 Manufacturers’ Safety Alert and Product Recall Systems.
Chapter 5 Labeling and Information
5.1 Product Label Requirements.
5.2 User Information.
Chapter 6 Design Requirements
6.1 Requirements for All Wildland Fire-Fighting Respirators.
Chapter 7 Performance Requirements
7.1 Requirements for All Wildland Fire-Fighting Respirators.
7.2 Respirator Classifications.
Chapter 8 Test Methods
8.1 Heat Resistance Test.
8.2 Flammability Test.
8.3 Class 1 Flammability Test.
8.4 Storage Integrity Test.
8.5 Lens Abrasion Test.
8.6 Donning Performance Test.
8.7 Communication Test.
8.8 Accelerated Corrosion Test.
8.9 Breathing Resistance Test.
8.10 APR Air Purification Component Capacity Test.
8.11 PAPR Air Purification Component Capacity Test.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: $157.00.Aktualna cena: $113.04.
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Informacje o tym produkcie

Developed by NIOSH, NPPTL, and NFPA, NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations, specifies respiratory protection for wildland fire-fighting operations.

NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations, provides requirements for comprehensive respiratory protection equipment that wildland fire-fighting personnel can use to help protect against inhalation hazards. It also covers the increasing medical and health concerns facing fire fighters who have been exposed to products of combustion in wildland and urban interface fire-fighting conditions.

Wildland fire fighters frequently encounter lengthy exposures during fire-fighting operations, and the use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is limited due to the duration of the breathing air supply. When developing the first edition of NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting and Wildland Urban Interface Operations, the NFPA Technical Committee on Respiratory Protection Equipment worked closely with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) to document the protection necessary in wildland fire-fighting environments.

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: $157.00.Aktualna cena: $113.04.