The 2024 edition includes:
This document covers applications of hazardous wastes, universal wastes, and waste oil.
The purpose of the document is to provide users with safeguards against fire and explosion hazards associated with the generation, transport, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste.
Information found in this recommended practice is referenced from US regulations and governmental agencies. Consultation with the authority having jurisdiction should be done to determine if these US regulations are enforceable or provided as best practice.
Table of Contents
NFPA® 401 Recommended Practice for the Prevention of Fires and Uncontrolled Chemical Reactions Associated with the Handling of Hazardous Waste 2024 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 Units and Formulas.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Recommendations Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Goals, Objectives, and Assumptions
4.1 Administration.
4.2 Safety Goals and Objectives.
4.3 Assumptions.
4.4 Provision in Excess of Recommended Practice.
Chapter 5 Waste Characterization
5.1 Administration.
5.2 Waste Characterization.
5.3 Means for Characterization.
5.4 Hazardous Waste Codes.
5.5 Fire Prevention.
5.6 Other Hazard Prevention Measures.
Chapter 6 Documentation
6.1 Administration.
6.2 Additional References.
6.3 Hazardous Waste Documentation.
6.4 Hazard Communication Documents — Waste Profile.
Chapter 7 Marking, Labeling, and Placarding
7.1 Administration.
7.2 Additional Regulations.
7.3 Hazardous Waste Marking and Labeling.
7.4 Hazardous Waste Placarding.
7.5 United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
Chapter 8 Facility Design
8.1 Administration.
8.2 General Compliance.
8.3 Chemical Compatibility and Separation.
8.4 Bulk Solid Wastes.
8.5 Bulk Liquid Storage.
8.6 Portable Tanks.
8.7 Container Storage.
8.8 Best Practices.
Chapter 9 Additional Management of Oxidizers
9.1 Administration.
9.2 Regulations.
9.3 Segregation of Oxidizers and Incompatibility.
Chapter 10 Reactive Chemicals
10.1 Administration.
10.2 Reactive Chemicals.
10.3 Reactive Chemical Categories.
10.4 Managing Uncharacterized Waste.
Chapter 11 Lab Packs
11.1 Administration.
11.2 Transport.
11.3 General Hazards.
11.4 Prudent Practices.
Chapter 12 Batteries and Cell Waste
12.1 Administration.
12.2 Hazard Mitigation.
12.3 Lithium Batteries.
12.4 Identifying Different Types of Lithium Batteries.
12.5 Safe Packaging of Lithium Batteries for Transportation Between Facilities.
12.6 Transportation and Packaging of Lithium Batteries.
12.7 Damaged Batteries.
12.8 Other Battery Types.
12.9 Related Regulatory and Advisory Guidance for Batteries. (Reserved)
Chapter 13 Training for Personnel Involved in Hazardous Waste Management
13.1 Administration.
13.2 Training Based on Generator Status.
13.3 Risk Assessment.
Chapter 14 Emergency Planning
14.1 Administration.
14.2 Facilities That Manage Hazardous Waste.
14.3 Higher Risk Chemicals.
14.4 Facility Siting Planning and Prevention of Upset Conditions.
14.5 Process Review, Plan Preparation, and Approval.
14.6 Fire Risk Controls.
14.7 Operation and Maintenance Procedures.
14.8 Incident Investigation Plan.
14.9 Transportation/Transporters.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Hazardous Waste Manifests
Annex C Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
Annex D Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Hazardous Materials Table
Annex E Improper Packaging of Batteries for Shipment
Annex F Peroxide Formers Classification
Annex G Examples of Potentially Incompatible Waste
Annex H Emergency Response Plan Check List
Annex I Additional Terms
Annex J Informational References
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