$113.04 - $1,085.18

This standard provides minimum fire protection, safety, and related requirements for the location, design, construction, security, operation, and maintenance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants.


Required throughout the US and trusted internationally, the 2023 edition of NFPA 59A features extensive revisions to make the standard easier to use and up to date with the industry.
Key changes include:
Added minimum required records reflecting the current design of the facility to serve as the basis for an engineering review of change
Standardized the use of the terms hazardous fluid and ignitible fluid throughout the document to reflect the hazard of concern in regards to the requirement
Added requirements for fire and gas detectors to be located in accordance with a documented performance-based analysis to provide a more consistent design approach for these devices in the LNG industry
Revisions added to clarify which requirements apply to facilities when in-kind replacements are made to encourage maintainability, reliability, and safety at LNG facilities
Updated release probabilities and conditional probabilities in Chapter 19 to reflect new data for failure rates and also reflect specific hole sizes of various leaks

2023 Table of Contents

NFPA® 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 2023 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Retroactivity.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 SI Units.
1.6 Pressure Measurement.
1.7 Referenced Standards.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 General Requirements
4.1 Scope.
4.2 Designer and Fabricator Competence.
4.3 Soil Protection for Cryogenic Equipment.
4.4 Falling Ice and Snow.
4.5 Concrete Design and Materials.
4.6 Engineering Review of Changes.
4.7 Control Center.
4.8 Sources of Power.
4.9 Records.
4.10 Noncombustible Material.
4.11 Ignition Source Control.
Chapter 5 Plant Siting
5.1 Scope.
5.2 Plant Site Provisions.
5.3 Site Provisions for Spill and Leak Control.
Chapter 6 Plant Layout
6.1 Scope.
6.2 General Layout.
6.3 Container Spacing.
6.4 Vaporizer Spacing.
6.5 Process Equipment Spacing.
6.6 Loading and Unloading Facility Spacing.
6.7 Buildings and Structures.
6.8 Impoundment Spacing.
Chapter 7 Process Equipment
7.1 Scope.
7.2 General Requirement.
7.3 Installation of Process Equipment.
7.4 Pumps and Compressors.
7.5 Hazardous Liquid Storage.
7.6 Process Equipment.
Chapter 8 Stationary LNG Storage
8.1 Scope.
8.2 General.
8.3 Design Considerations.
8.4 Tank Systems.
8.5 ASME Containers.
Chapter 9 Vaporization Facilities
9.1 Scope.
9.2 Classification of Vaporizers.
9.3 Design and Materials of Construction.
9.4 Vaporizer Shutoff Valves.
9.5 Relief Devices on Vaporizers.
9.6 Combustion Air Supply.
9.7 Products of Combustion.
Chapter 10 Piping Systems and Components
10.1 Scope.
10.2 General.
10.3 Materials of Construction.
10.4 Installation.
10.5 Isolation of Hazardous Fluid Equipment and Systems.
10.6 Pipe Supports.
10.7 Piping Identification.
10.8 Inspection, Examination, and Testing of Piping.
10.9 Purging of Piping Systems.
10.10 Safety and Relief Valves.
10.11 Flares and Vent Stacks.
10.12 Corrosion Control.
10.13 Cryogenic Pipe-in-Pipe Systems.
10.14 Below-Ground or Subsea Installation.
Chapter 11 Instrumentation and Electrical Services
11.1 Scope.
11.2 General.
11.3 Liquid Level Gauging.
11.4 Pressure Gauging.
11.5 Vacuum Gauging.
11.6 Temperature Indicators.
11.7 Control Systems.
11.8 Fail-Safe Design.
11.9 Electrical Equipment.
11.10 Electrical Grounding and Bonding.
Chapter 12 Plant Facilities Design
12.1 Design Classification.
12.2 Plant Facilities Design.
12.3 Seismic Design.
12.4 LNG Containers.
12.5 Buildings or Structural Enclosures.
12.6 Fire and Explosion Control.
12.7 Ventilation.
12.8 Flammable Gas or Vapor Control.
12.9 Occupant Protection.
Chapter 13 Impounding Area and Drainage System Design and Capacity
13.1 Single Container Impounding Areas.
13.2 Multiple Container Impounding Areas.
13.3 Other Impounding Areas.
13.4 Enclosed Drainage Channels.
13.5 Enclosed Impounding Systems.
13.6 Dikes and Impounding Walls.
13.7 Secondary Containment.
13.8 Pipe Penetrations.
13.9 Dikes, Impounding Walls, and Drainage Channels.
13.10 Insulation Systems.
13.11 Impounding Area Wall Height and Distance to Containers.
13.12 Water Removal for Hazardous Liquid Impounding Areas.
Chapter 14 Mobile and Temporary LNG Facility
14.1 Temporary Service Use.
14.2 Odorization Equipment.
Chapter 15 Transfer Systems for Hazardous Fluids
15.1 Scope.
15.2 General Requirements.
15.3 Piping System.
15.4 Pump and Compressor Control.
15.5 Marine Shipping and Receiving.
15.6 Tank Vehicle, Tank Car, and ISO Container Loading and Unloading Facilities.
15.7 Pipeline Shipping and Receiving.
15.8 Hoses and Arms.
15.9 Communications and Lighting.
Chapter 16 Fire Protection, Safety, and Security
16.1 Scope.
16.2 General.
16.3 ESD Systems.
16.4 Hazard Detection.
16.5 Fire Protection Water Systems.
16.6 Fire Extinguishing and Other Fire Control Equipment.
16.7 Personnel Safety.
16.8 Security.
Chapter 17 Requirements for Stationary Applications for Small Scale LNG Facilities
17.1 Scope.
17.2 Control Rooms.
17.3 Plant Siting.
17.4 Plant Layout.
17.5 Process Equipment.
17.6 Stationary LNG Storage.
17.7 Vaporization Facilities.
17.8 Piping Systems and Components.
17.9 Instrumentation and Electrical Services.
17.10 Plant Facilities Design.
17.11 Impounding Area and Drainage System Design Capacity.
17.12 Transfer Systems for Hazardous Fluids.
17.13 Fire Protection, Safety, and Security.
17.14 Operating, Maintenance, and Personnel Training.
Chapter 18 Operating, Maintenance, and Personnel Training
18.1 Scope.
18.2 General Requirements.
18.3 Manual of Operating Procedures.
18.4 Emergency Procedures.
18.5 Security Procedures.
18.6 Monitoring Operations.
18.7 Commissioning.
18.8 Transfer of LNG and Flammables.
18.9 Maintenance Manual.
18.10 Maintenance.
18.11 Personnel Training.
18.12 Records.
Chapter 19 Performance-Based LNG Plant Siting Using Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
19.1 Scope.
19.2 General Requirements.
19.3 Definitions.
19.4 Risk Calculations and Basis of Assessment.
19.5 LNG and Other Hazardous Materials Release Scenarios.
19.6 Release Probabilities and Conditional Probabilities.
19.7 Modeling Conditions and Occurrence Probabilities.
19.8 Hazard and Consequence Assessment.
19.9 Risk Result Presentation.
19.10 Risk Tolerability Criteria.
19.11 Risk Mitigation Approaches.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Seismic Design of LNG Plants
Annex C Informational References

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Identify risks and help ensure safety by complying with the latest requirements for liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants and export facilities.

Adopted by DOT and referenced by other agencies including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, NFPA 59A, Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), governs the site selection, design, construction, and fire protection of LNG plants.

NFPA 59A is required throughout the United States — and internationally trusted as the final word on safety for these specialized facilities.

Along with prescriptive requirements, the Standard includes a performance-based option that requires analyzing the risks to persons and property in the area surrounding the proposed LNG plant based on risk mitigation techniques incorporated into the facility design. The prevalence of LNG in the United States has caused a shift away from predominantly importing LNG towards becoming a large exporter. Numerous export facilities under development rely on NFPA 59A for guidance on LNG production, storage, and handling.


Oorspronkelijke prijs was: $157.00.Huidige prijs is: $113.04.