$113.04 - $499.00

This standard establishes requirements for the selection, care, and maintenance of fire fighting protective ensembles to reduce health and safety risks associated with improper maintenance, contamination, or damage. Please note: This Standard is no longer accepting Public Input due to the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council. As part of the consolidation plan, this Standard is slipping cycle and being combined into a new consolidated draft, NFPA 1850. For further information on this consolidated draft, go to NFPA 1850.

2020 Table of Contents

NFPA® 1851 Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting 2020 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Units.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. (Reserved)
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Program
4.1 General.
4.2 Program Organization for Structural Fire Fighting Ensembles and Ensemble Elements and Proximity Fire Fighting Ensembles and Ensemble Elements.
4.3 Records.
4.4 Manufacturer’s Instructions.
4.5 Protecting the Public and Personnel from Exposure to Contaminated PPE.
4.6 Reporting Personal Protective Equipment Health and Safety Concerns.
Chapter 5 Selection
5.1 Selection and Purchase.
Chapter 6 Inspection
6.1 General.
6.2 Routine Inspection.
6.3 Advanced Inspection.
6.4 Complete Liner Inspection.
Chapter 7 Cleaning and Decontamination
7.1 General.
7.2 Preliminary Exposure Reduction.
7.3 Advanced Cleaning.
7.4 Disinfection or Sanitization and Biological Decontamination.
7.5 Specialized Cleaning.
Chapter 8 Repair
8.1 Requirements for All Ensembles and Ensemble Elements.
8.2 Requirements for Both Basic and Advanced Garment Element Repair.
8.3 Additional Requirements for Basic Garment Element Repair.
8.4 Additional Requirements for Advanced Garment Element Repair.
8.5 Helmet Element Repair.
8.6 Glove Element Repair.
8.7 Footwear Element Repair.
8.8 Structural Fire Fighting Hood and Proximity Fire Fighting Helmet Overcover and Proximity Fire Fighting Shroud Repair.
8.9 Additional Requirements for Structural Fire Fighting Ensembles and Proximity Fire Fighting Ensembles with Optional Liquid and Particulate Contaminant Protection.
Chapter 9 Storage
9.1 All Ensembles and Ensemble Elements
Chapter 10 Retirement, Disposition, and Special Incident Procedure
10.1 Retirement.
10.2 Disposition of Retired Elements.
10.3 Special Incident Procedure.
Chapter 11 Verification
11.1 General.
11.2 Verification Program.
11.3 Inspection and Testing.
11.4 Organization or ISP Quality Management Program.
Chapter 12 Test Procedures
12.1 Light Evaluation of Hood Particulate-Blocking Layers.
12.2 Smoke Evaluation of Hood Particulate-Blocking Layers.
12.3 Water Penetration Barrier Evaluation.
12.4 Chemical Decontamination Efficacy Test.
12.5 Biological Decontamination Efficacy Test.
12.6 Semi-Volatile Organic Compound Contained Specimen Preparation, Extraction, and Analysis.
12.7 Heavy Metal Contaminated Specimen Preparation, Extraction, and Analysis.
12.8 Bacterial Contaminated Specimen Preparation, Extraction, and Analysis.
12.9 Preparation and Handling of Contaminated Specimens and Surrogate Clothing.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: $157.00.Huidige prijs is: $113.04.
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Mitigate risks and increase firefighter safety with the latest requirements in NFPA 1851.

Firefighter injuries have been on the decline over the past few decades. However, therare still tens of thousands of injuries reported in the US every year.

NFPA 1851, Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, provides personnel with comprehensive criteria for protective ensembles to reduce health and safety risks associated with improper maintenance, contamination, or damage.

The standard includes both structural and proximity ensembles, ensemble elements, clothing, and equipment. Content covers everything from coats, helmets, and hoods to trousers, gloves, and footwear elements. NFPA 1851 also provides vital information on:

  • How long you can use ensemble elements
  • How often to perform inspections
  • The entities authorized for inspections, cleaning, decontamination, and repair
  • Conditions warranting the services of a verified independent service provider (ISP)

The 2020 edition provides the most current provisions for selecting, caring for, and maintaining firefighter protective ensembles.

Promote firefighter safety by making sure protective ensembles are compliant to NFPA 1851. This standard has seen major revisions and additions to account for advancements in the industry.

Notable changes include:

  • Amendments to cleaning requirements in Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 as well as additional edits to supporting definitions
  • Rewritten table of responsibilities for garment element inspection, cleaning, and repair in Chapter 4 to reflect six different groups that could potentially have one of those responsibilities, along with accompanying clarifications concerning how that responsibility is accomplished
  • Rewritten primary headings in Chapter 7 accounting for new technologies and information gleaned from research and testing
  • Addition of two new decision trees for handling, disposition, and cleaning of ensembles and ensemble elements to assist in determining the appropriate cleaning procedure(s)
  • Inclusion of a definition and associated annex material for the term preliminary exposure reduction to replace on-scene preliminary cleaning
  • Strengthened annex materials relating to Chapter 10 retirement requirements expanding on existing language and explaining how the work performed led to the development of retirement criteria in the standard
  • New content concerning carcinogens and performance testing

Make sure firefighters have the protection and confidence to do their job safely and effectively by following provisions outlined in NFPA 1851.

Give your department the resources it needs to mitigate risks and increase safety in an inherently dangerous occupation. Order your copy of NFPA 1851, Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, 2020 edition.

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Oorspronkelijke prijs was: $157.00.Huidige prijs is: $113.04.