$113.04 - $712.15

This guide specifies methods for evaluating the potential for room flashover from fire involving the contents, furnishings, and interior finish of a room to help individuals or organizations attempting to implement methods to prevent the occurrence of flashover or, at least, to decrease its probability.

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이 제품 정보

New data based on recent studies enhance current methods in the 2021 edition of NFPA 555.

Keep pace with current methods for determining flashover risks. With the growing application of equivalency concepts and performance-based designs, it’s increasingly important for fire protection engineers and AHJs to be able to evaluate the potential for room flashover, or full involvement during a fire.

Help ensure life safety and property protection with the latest edition of NFPA 555, Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for Room Flashover. Updates to the 2021 edition include:

  • An additional test method for materials of low heat release
  • More fire scenarios to consider for tightly closed compartments
  • New definitions to clarify concepts and provide further considerations for hazards, such as identification of additional fire spread mechanisms and fuel loads that contribute to the fire.

New data in the 2021 edition of NFPA 555 help you stay aware of crucial ways to better ensure life safety and help protect property.

Order today to provide fire protection engineering solutions based on the industry benchmark. (Print, Approx. 37 pp., 2021)

Get up to date with the most current requirements by placing your order for NFPA 555, Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for Room Flashover, today.

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$113.04 - $712.15