$113.04 - $994.75

This standard prescribes requirements for the design and construction of high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls, including protection of openings and penetrations, for use in protecting lives and property from fire.

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이 제품 정보

Slow the Spread of Fire to Help Save Lives.

Fire moves fast, and just a few extra seconds can make a big difference when it comes to reducing damage and help save lives. Fire wall assemblies offer an effective means of slowing the spread of fire. NFPA 221, Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls, Fire Walls, and Fire Barrier Walls, provides anyone involved in building construction with comprehensive criteria for the proper design and construction of these components.

The standard covers general requirements for fire resistance ratings, performance-based design, and other considerations for high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls, including protection of openings and penetrations. 

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$113.04 - $994.75