$113.04 - $610.42

This standard provides public safety officials, designers, performers and operators of flame effects with the latest requirements for the protection of the audience, support personnel, performers, the operator, assistants, and property where flame effects are used.

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이 제품 정보

Help eliminate fire and life safety hazards relating to the use of flame effects with the new edition of NFPA 160.

Flame effects used for entertainment purposes at concerts, theme parks, and other venues represent a potential threat to people and property. NFPA 160, Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience, answers the need for a document providing guidance to public safety officials, designers, and operators of flame effects in permanent, temporary, and traveling installations. The standard offers comprehensive provisions for the design, fabrication, installation, control, operation, testing, and maintenance of flame effect systems.

Content covers requirements for:

  • Holding areas for flame effect materials and devices
  • Documenting, permitting, and approval of installations
  • Use of flame effects and operator qualifications and responsibilities
  • Flame effect control system and component design, function, and operation
  • Installation, pressure testing, and inspection
  • Fire protection provisions for permanent and temporary installations

The 2021 edition provides the most current criteria for helping to safeguard audience members, performers, operators, assistants, support personnel, and property from flame effect hazards.

Flame effects operators, special effects operators, venue managers, and enforcing officials have the significant responsibility of protecting audiences, performers, and crew from fire risks. NFPA 160 explains how to control the use of flame effects in compliance with recognized codes and standards.

Changes to this edition include:

  • Extensive reorganization of the document to cover new advances in flame effect technology
  • Revisions to separate each flame effect technology by fuel source, which includes solid, liquid, prepackaged single-use containers, and gels, rather than only include requirements for flame effect technology using flammable gases in previous editions of the standard
  • Consolidation of requirements that are common for all flame effect systems into Chapter 9
  • Relocation of requirements specific to the fuel of the device into Chapters 11 through 13
  • New requirements for fire performers in Chapter 14

Stay up to date with the latest information on using flame effects in front of a live audience.

This standard is an essential publication for anyone with concerns for flame effect safety. Place an order for your copy of NFPA 160, 2021 edition today. (Print, 36 pp., 2021)

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$113.04 - $610.42