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Important Notice: The 2013 edition of PYR 1128 is provided for historical reference only. This edition of PYR 1128 was withdrawn by Standards Council Decision #14-1. In Decision #14-1, the Standards Council directed that NFPA cease all standards development activity regarding the retail sale and storage of consumer fireworks. See the Council decision below for further information.
이 제품 정보
The 2013 edition of PYR 1128: Standard Method of Fire Tests for Flame Breaks, is provided for historical reference only. This edition of PYR 1128 was withdrawn by Standards Council Decision #14-1. In Decision #14-1, the Standards Council directed that NFPA® cease all standards development activity regarding the retail sale and storage of consumer fireworks.
Prevent fire deaths, injuries, and property loss with specific guidance for selecting flame break materials in the 2013 PYR 1128.
Flame breaks act as a barrier to the passage of heat or flame in a fire. They have been required by NFPA 1124: Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles for use in the shelving where the consumer fireworks would be displayed for sale since 2003, which marked the first edition in which fire and life safety requirements for retail sales venues were added. To date, the Code does not establish a basis for selecting suitable flame break materials based on performance.
The first-edition 2013 PYR 1128: Standard Method of Fire Test for Flame Breaks establishes the performance characteristics of flame breaks for demonstration in test fires and defines the pass/fail criteria. This method provides specific guidance to help users decide what kind of materials to install, assists the AHJ in making judgments on what is an acceptable flame break, and achieves consistency in enforcement of the requirements.
Important for retail venue operators for consumer fireworks, enforcers (AHJs), testing laboratories, and insurance professionals, this document ensures installation of this safeguard designed to slow fire spread and reduce the spread of a fireworks-related fire to non-fireworks materials and items in a retail setting. (Print, 10 pp., 2013)
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