$113.04 - $1,978.20

Enforceable under OSHA and many state and local regulations, NFPA 30 provides safeguards to reduce the hazards associated with the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids.


Major updates to the 2024 edition include:
Changes to base requirements for drainage, containment, spill control, and explosion control
Revised static electricity requirements
A new section and an extensive annex on fire protection for processing facilities
New annexes on emergency control systems, evaluating tank spacing, and indicating alternative fire control measures
Added requirements on flammable liquid storage cabinet operation
Revised flame mitigation devices requirements to align with UL/ULC 30, Metallic and Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Revisions to metal container sizes and allowable quantities of consumer products at 50% alcohol
New requirements for storing distilled spirits in barrels
Added listing (or approval) requirements for overfill protection devices and pressure-vacuum vent devices.
New chapter on petroleum production tanks

Table of Contents

NFPA® 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 2024 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Retroactivity.
1.5 Equivalency.
1.6 Symbols, Units, and Formulas.
1.7 Code Adoption Requirements. (Reserved)
1.8 Permits. (Reserved)
1.9 Enforcement.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Classification of Liquids
4.1 Scope.
4.2 Classification Scheme.
4.3 Determination of Boiling Point (BP).
4.4 Determination of Flash Point (FP).
Chapter 5 General Requirements (Reserved)
Chapter 6 Fire and Explosion Prevention and Risk Control
6.1 Scope.
6.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 6. (Reserved)
6.3 Management of Fire and Explosion Hazards.
6.4 Hazards Analysis.
6.5 Control of Ignition Sources.
6.6 Detection and Alarm Systems and Procedures.
6.7 Fire Protection and Fire Suppression Systems.
6.8 Explosion Protection Systems.
6.9 Emergency Planning and Training.
6.10 Inspection and Maintenance.
6.11 Management of Security.
6.12 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
Chapter 7 Electrical Systems
7.1 Scope.
7.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 7. (Reserved)
7.3 General Requirements.
7.4 Application of Area Classification.
Chapter 8 Reserved
Chapter 9 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Containers — General Requirements
9.1 Scope.
9.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 9.
9.3 General Requirements.
9.4 Acceptable Containers.
9.5 Liquid Storage Cabinets.
9.6 Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQs) per Control Area.
9.7 Control Areas.
9.8 Classification of Occupancies That Exceed the Maximum Allowable Quantities of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids per Control Area.
9.9 Construction Requirements.
9.10 Fire Protection.
9.11 Emergency Control Systems.
9.12 Electrical Systems.
9.13 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
9.14 Ventilation.
9.15 Exhausted Enclosures. (Reserved)
9.16 Explosion Control.
9.17 Separation from Incompatible Materials.
9.18 Dispensing, Handling, and Use of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Storage Areas.
9.19 Outdoor Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids.
Chapter 10 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Containers — Mercantile Occupancies
10.1 Scope.
10.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 10. (Reserved)
10.3 General Requirements.
10.4 Reserved.
10.5 Reserved.
10.6 Reserved.
10.7 Control Areas.
10.8 Specific Restrictions.
10.9 Construction Requirements.
10.10 Fire Protection.
10.11 Emergency Control Systems. (Reserved)
10.12 Electrical Systems.
10.13 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
10.14 Ventilation.
10.15 Exhausted Enclosures. (Reserved)
10.16 Explosion Control.
10.17 Separation from Incompatible Materials.
10.18 Dispensing, Handling, and Use of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Mercantile Occupancies.
10.19 Outdoor Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids.
Chapter 11 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Containers — Industrial Occupancies
11.1 Scope.
11.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 11. (Reserved)
11.3 General Requirements.
Chapter 12 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Containers — Storage Occupancies
12.1 Scope.
12.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 12.
12.3 General Requirements.
12.4 Reserved.
12.5 Reserved.
12.6 Maximum Allowable Quantities and Maximum Storage Heights.
12.7 Control Areas.
12.8 General-Purpose Warehouses.
12.9 Construction Requirements.
12.10 Fire Protection.
12.11 Emergency Control Systems. (Reserved)
12.12 Electrical Systems.
12.13 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
12.14 Ventilation.
12.15 Exhausted Enclosures. (Reserved)
12.16 Explosion Control.
12.17 Separation from Incompatible Materials.
12.18 Dispensing, Handling, and Use of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Storage Occupancies.
12.19 Outdoor Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids.
Chapter 13 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Containers — Detached, Unprotected Buildings
13.1 Scope.
13.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 13. (Reserved)
13.3 General Requirements.
13.4 Reserved.
13.5 Reserved.
13.6 Maximum Allowable Quantities and Maximum Storage Heights.
13.7 Control Areas. (Reserved)
13.8 Reserved.
13.9 Construction Requirements.
13.10 Fire Protection.
13.11 Emergency Control Systems. (Reserved)
13.12 Electrical Systems.
13.13 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
13.14 Ventilation.
13.15 Exhausted Enclosure. (Reserved)
13.16 Explosion Control.
13.17 Separation from Incompatible Materials.
13.18 Dispensing, Handling, and Use of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Detached, Unprotected Buildings.
13.19 Outdoor Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids.
Chapter 14 Hazardous Materials Storage Lockers
14.1 Scope.
14.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 14. (Reserved)
14.3 General Requirements.
14.4 Design and Construction of Hazardous Materials Storage Lockers.
14.5 Designated Sites for Hazardous Materials Storage Lockers.
14.6 Storage Requirements.
Chapter 15 Outdoor Storage
15.1 Scope.
15.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 15. (Reserved)
15.3 General Requirements.
15.4 Outdoor Storage Adjacent to a Building.
Chapter 16 Automatic Fire Protection for Control Areas, Liquid Storage Rooms, and Liquid Warehouses
16.1 Scope.
16.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 16.
16.3 General Requirements.
16.4 Automatic Sprinkler and Foam-Water Sprinkler Fire Protection Systems.
16.5 Fire Protection System Design Criteria.
16.6 Fire Protection System Design Schemes.
16.7 Water Supply.
16.8 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
16.9 Other Automatic Fire Protection Systems.
16.10 Distilled Spirits in Wooden Barrels.
Chapter 17 Processing Facilities
17.1 Scope.
17.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 17. (Reserved)
17.3 General Requirements.
17.4 Location of Process Vessels and Equipment.
17.5 Accessibility.
17.6 Construction Requirements.
17.7 Fire Protection.
17.8 Emergency Control Systems.
17.9 Electrical Systems.
17.10 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
17.11 Ventilation.
17.12 Explosion Control.
17.13 Process Structures. (Reserved)
17.14 Process Equipment and Vessels.
17.15 Management of Operations Hazards.
Chapter 18 Dispensing, Handling, Transfer, and Use of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids
18.1 Scope.
18.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 18. (Reserved)
18.3 General Requirements.
18.4 Dispensing, Handling, Transfer, and Use.
18.5 Incidental Operations.
18.6 Ventilation for Dispensing Areas.
Chapter 19 Specific Operations
19.1 Scope.
19.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 19.
19.3 General Requirements. (Reserved)
19.4 Recirculating Heat Transfer Systems.
19.5 Vapor Recovery and Vapor Processing Systems.
19.6 Solvent Distillation Units.
19.7 Cooking Oil Storage Tank Systems in Commercial Kitchens.
Chapter 20 Reserved
Chapter 21 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Tanks — Requirements for All Storage Tanks
21.1 Scope.
21.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 21.
21.3 General Requirements.
21.4 Design and Construction of Storage Tanks.
21.5 Testing Requirements for Tanks.
21.6 Fire Prevention and Control.
21.7 Operation of Storage Tanks.
21.8 Inspection and Maintenance of Storage Tanks and Storage Tank Appurtenances.
21.9 Change of Stored Liquid.
Chapter 22 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Tanks — Aboveground Storage Tanks
22.1 Scope.
22.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 22.
22.3 General Requirements.
22.4 Location of Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.5 Installation of Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.6 Vent Piping for Aboveground Tanks.
22.7 Emergency Relief Venting for Fire Exposure for Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.8 Fire Protection for Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.9 Additional Requirements for Fire-Resistant Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.10 Additional Requirements for Protected Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.11 Control of Spills from Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.12 Equipment, Piping, and Fire Protection Systems in Remote Impoundment Areas and Diked Areas.
22.13 Tank Openings Other than Vents.
22.14 Aboveground Storage Tanks Located in Areas Subject to Flooding.
22.15 Collision Protection for Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.16 Installation Instructions for Aboveground Storage Tanks.
22.17 Inspection and Maintenance of Aboveground Storage Tanks.
Chapter 23 Storage of Ignitible (Flammable or Combustible) Liquids in Tanks — Underground Tanks
23.1 Scope.
23.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 23. (Reserved)
23.3 General Requirements.
23.4 Location of Underground Storage Tanks.
23.5 Installation of Underground Storage Tanks.
23.6 Normal Venting for Underground Storage Tanks.
23.7 Reserved.
23.8 Reserved.
23.9 Reserved.
23.10 Reserved.
23.11 Control of Spills from Underground Storage Tanks.
23.12 Reserved.
23.13 Tank Openings Other than Vents.
23.14 Underground Storage Tanks Located in Areas Subject to Flooding.
23.15 Reserved.
23.16 Installation Instructions for Underground Storage Tanks.
23.17 Inspection and Maintenance of Underground Storage Tanks.
Chapter 24 Storage Tank Buildings
24.1 Scope.
24.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 24. (Reserved)
24.3 General Requirements. (Reserved)
24.4 Location of Storage Tank Buildings.
24.5 Construction of Storage Tank Buildings.
24.6 Fire Protection for Storage Tank Buildings.
24.7 Emergency Control Systems for Storage Tank Buildings. (Reserved)
24.8 Electrical Systems for Storage Tank Buildings.
24.9 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control from Storage Tank Buildings.
24.10 Ventilation for Storage Tank Buildings.
24.11 Reserved.
24.12 Explosion Control.
24.13 Vents for Tanks Inside Storage Tank Buildings.
24.14 Tank Openings Other than Vents for Tanks Inside Storage Tank Buildings.
24.15 Detection and Alarm Systems for Storage Tank Buildings.
24.16 Inspection and Maintenance for Storage Tank Buildings.
Chapter 25 Storage Tank Vaults
25.1 Scope.
25.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 25. (Reserved)
25.3 General Requirements.
25.4 Location of Storage Tank Vaults.
25.5 Construction and Installation of Storage Tank Vaults.
25.6 Fire Protection for Storage Tank Vaults.
25.7 Emergency Controls for Storage Tank Vaults. (Reserved)
25.8 Electrical Systems for Storage Tank Vaults.
25.9 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control for Storage Tank Vaults.
25.10 Ventilation Systems for Storage Tank Vaults.
25.11 Reserved.
25.12 Explosion Control.
25.13 Vents for Tanks Inside Storage Tank Vaults.
25.14 Tank Openings Other than Vents for Tanks Inside Storage Tank Vaults. (Reserved)
25.15 Detection and Alarm Systems for Storage Tank Vaults.
25.16 Inspection and Maintenance of Storage Tank Vaults and Equipment.
Chapter 26 Petroleum Production Sites
26.1 Scope.
26.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 26.
26.3 Tank Design Standards.
26.4 Identification for Emergency Responders.
26.5 Emergency Venting.
26.6 Operation and Maintenance.
26.7 Overfill Protection Requirements.
26.8 Security.
Chapter 27 Piping Systems
27.1 Scope.
27.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 27.
27.3 General Requirements.
27.4 Materials of Construction for Piping Systems.
27.5 Pipe Joints.
27.6 Installation of Piping Systems.
27.7 Testing of Piping Systems.
27.8 Vent Piping.
27.9 Bonding and Grounding.
27.10 Identification and Marking of Piping Systems.
27.11 Special Requirements for Marine Piping Systems.
27.12 Removal from Service of Piping Systems.
Chapter 28 Bulk Loading and Unloading Facilities for Tank Cars and Tank Vehicles
28.1 Scope.
28.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 28. (Reserved)
28.3 General Requirements.
28.4 Location of Loading and Unloading Facilities.
28.5 Roofed Structures.
28.6 Fire Protection. (Reserved)
28.7 Emergency Control Systems. (Reserved)
28.8 Electrical Systems.
28.9 Containment, Drainage, and Spill Control.
28.10 Equipment.
28.11 Operating Requirements.
Chapter 29 Wharves
29.1 Scope.
29.2 Definitions Specific to Chapter 29. (Reserved)
29.3 General Requirements.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Background on Ignitible (Flammable and Combustible) Liquid Nomenclature Change
Annex C Emergency Relief Venting for Fire Exposure for Aboveground Tanks
Annex D Temporarily Out of Service, Closure in Place, or Closure by Removal of Underground Storage Tanks
Annex E Development of Fire Protection System Design Criteria for Chapter 16 and Suggested Fire Protection for Some Containers of Ignitible (Flammable and Combustible) Liquids Not Covered in Chapter 16
Annex F Using Thermal Radiation Modeling for Tank Spacing
Annex G Suggested Test Protocol for Developing Fire Protection System Design Criteria for Containers of Ignitible (Flammable and Combustible) Liquids
Annex H Fugitive Emissions Calculations
Annex I Management of Security
Annex J Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 30
Annex K Informational References

원래 가격: $157.00.현재 가격: $113.04.
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이 제품 정보

Keep Pace with Innovations in Safety. Stay Current with Best Practices in Flammable and Ignitible Liquids.

NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, offers comprehensive requirements to help safeguard against fire and explosion hazards while storing, dispensing, handling, transferring, and using flammable and ignitible liquids.

This must-have code is for anyone responsible for flammable and combustible liquids compliance. It covers indoor and outdoor liquid storage containers and tanks, hazardous material storage lockers, tank vehicles, piping systems, electrical systems, storage areas, wharves, and processing facilities.

원래 가격: $157.00.현재 가격: $113.04.