$113.04 - $610.42

NFPA 720 was withdrawn at the Annual 2018 revision cycle. NFPA 720 requirements have been incorporated into NFPA 72. The Council voted to approve the withdrawal of NFPA 720 on August 14, 2018. NFPA 720 contains requirements for carbon monoxide (CO) detection and warning equipment intended to protect lives by warning occupants of the presence of CO in sufficient time to allow occupants to escape or take other appropriate action.

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이 제품 정보

Manufacture, install, inspect, and maintain CO detection and warning equipment using the 2015 NFPA 720.

The 2015 edition of NFPA 720, Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment provides updated rules for installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of carbon monoxide detection and warning equipment in all types of structures.

Changes benefit the public and personnel involved with CO equipment — from manufacturers to first responders.

This edition has been revised to make CO equipment more effective and reliable. Everyone from manufacturers to installers, maintainers, inspectors, and emergency personnel needs to know about updates in this edition:

  • New personnel qualifications in Chapter 4 are more specific to CO systems to help ensure personnel are capable of the job.
  • Revised requirements in Chapter 5 and Chapter 9 allow more than one tone for audible CO alarm signals, giving manufacturers greater flexibility.
  • Reformatted inspection and testing tables in Chapter 8 align with NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code® to improve usability for inspection and testing professionals.
  • New secondary power supply standby capacity of 24 hours for CO alarms and Household CO Systems provides for a longer period of power outage. This change from 8 hours to 24 hours in Chapter 9 benefits consumers by assuring longer CO alarms operation in emergencies.
  • Revised provisions in Chapter 9 for CO alarms and Household CO Systems addressing distinctive alarm signals clarify that CO, fire, and other alarm signals must use different audible signals.
  • New Annex C Guidelines for Emergency Responders give direct emergency responders access to resources useful during CO events.

Update your knowledge and be prepared to install equipment that will function as intended to warn people if dangerous CO levels are present. (Print, 83 pp., 2015)


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