$113.04 - $499.00

Using a risk framework, this standard provides a methodology for determining the fire load and fire load density to be used as the basis for the evaluation and design of the structural fire performance of a building.


The 2023 edition provides relevant provisions that are essential for evaluating the structural fire performance of buildings, offering state-of-the-art information essential to building designers and engineers. Changes to this edition include:
Guidance on fire load calculations for ignition resistant materials when the calorific value is unknown
New language providing test requirements for ignition-resistant materials and fire retardant-treated wood products
Help to safeguard buildings and occupants using the risk frameworks outlined in NFPA 557, Standard for Determination of Fire Loads for Use in Structural Fire Protection Design. Place an order for your copy of the 2023 edition. (Print, 29 pp., 2023)


NFPA® 557 Standard for Determination of Fire Loads for Use in Structural Fire Protection Design 2023 Edition
第1章 管理
1.1 スコープ
1.2 目的
1.3 Application.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 Units and Formulas.
1.6 Approved Qualifications.
第2章 参考文献
2.1 全般
2.2 NFPAの出版物
2.3 その他の出版物
2.4 必須セクションの抜粋の参考文献。
第3章 定義
3.1 全般
3.2 NFPA公式定義
3.3 一般的定義
Chapter 4 Design Fundamentals
4.1 Methodology.
4.2 Fire Load.
4.3 Statistical Distribution of Fire Load.
4.4 Frequency of Fire Initiations.
4.5 Effectiveness of Fire Protection Features.
4.6 Combustibility of Materials.
Chapter 5 Development of Fire Loads
5.1 Types of Fire Loads.
5.2 Defining the Compartment.
5.3 Distributed Fire Loads.
5.4 Localized Fire Loads.
5.5 Frequency of Structurally Significant Fires.
5.6 Approvals and Limitations.
5.7 Application of the Frequencies of Structurally Significant Fires to Occupancies.
Chapter 6 Occupancy-Based Fire Load Density
6.1 Fire Load Density.
6.2 Design Fire Load Density.
Chapter 7 Survey Method-Based Fire Load Density
7.1 Fire Load Density
7.2 Fire Load.
7.3 Heats of Combustion.
7.4 Methodology and Limitations.
Chapter 8 Documentation, Inspection, and Maintenance
8.1 Documented Fire Load.
8.2 Change in Occupancy.
8.3 Repairs.
8.4 Formal Review.
付属資料A 解説資料
Annex B Summary of Occupancy Based Fuel and Fire Load Survey Data
Annex C Guidance for Fuel or Fire Load Surveys (Special Facility and Occupancy Based)
Annex D Analyses of Structurally Significant Fires in Buildings with Selected Characteristics
Annex E Informational References

PDF形式 検索可能 印刷可能 ブックマーク


Stay up to date with NFPA 557, Standard for Determination of Fire Loads for Use in Structural Fire Protection Design, for the latest criteria for structural fire engineering of buildings.

Having a clear understanding of how to calculate the fire load in a building is a needed element when considering structural performance under thermal exposure. NFPA 557, Standard for Determination of Fire Loads for Use in Structural Fire Protection Design, provides a methodology for deciding the fire load and fire load density to be used as the basis for the evaluation and design of the structural fire performance of a building.

Developed to address the need for guidance and standardization in the area of structural fire engineering, NFPA 557 covers:

  • Design fundamentals
  • Development of fire loads
  • Occupancy-based fire load density
  • Survey method-based fire load density
  • Documentation, inspection, and maintenance