$113.04 - $508.68

This standard provides a test method to determine the fire resistance of passive fire protection (PFP) materials applied to the exterior of LP-Gas containers. It is intended to identify insulation systems that retard or prevent the release of the container’s contents in a fire environment.

2023 Table of Contents

NFPA® 290 Standard for Fire Testing of Passive Protection Materials for Use on LP-Gas Containers 2023 Edition
第1章 管理
1.1 スコープ
1.2 目的
1.3 Application.
1.4 Units and Formulas.
第2章 参考文献
2.1 全般
2.2 NFPA Publications. (Reserved)
2.3 その他の出版物
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. (Reserved)
第3章 定義
3.1 全般
3.2 NFPA公式定義
3.3 一般的定義
Chapter 4 Test Specimens
4.1 Construction of Test Specimen.
4.2 Construction of Rear Box.
4.3 Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Material.
Chapter 5 Torch Fire
5.1 Torch Fire Nozzle.
5.2 Torch Fire Exposure.
5.3 Fuel.
Chapter 6 Test Location
6.1 Environmental Effects.
6.2 Air Temperature.
6.3 Wind Limitations.
6.4 Adverse Weather.
Chapter 7 Conduct of Tests
7.1 Test Assembly.
7.2 Calibration Test.
7.3 Conduct of Torch Test.
7.4 Hose Stream Test.
7.5 Conditions of Acceptance.
7.6 Environmental Conditions.
7.7 Measurements.
7.8 Observations.
7.9 Photographs.
7.10 Video.
Chapter 8 Presentation of Results
8.1 Test Report.
付属資料A 解説資料
Annex B Informational References

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Help safeguard lives and property by referencing the latest methods for testing the fire resistance of passive protective materials used on LP-Gas containers.

Identify thermal protection insulation systems that retard or prevent the release of a container’s contents in a fire by using the procedure detailed in NFPA® 290, Standard for Fire Testing of Passive Protection Materials for Use on LP-Gas Containers. The standard offers a method to determine the fire resistance of passive fire protection materials applied to the exterior of LP-Gas containers. The 2023 edition includes clarifications to the annex related to NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, and NFPA 59, Utility LP-Gas Plant Code.

NFPA 290 covers the following topics:

  • Test specimens and passive fire protection material
  • Torch fire nozzles, exposure, and fuel
  • Test locations and environmental effects
  • Conducting tests
  • Presentation of test report results