$113.04 - $610.42

This standard describes a method for determining the contribution of interior finish materials to room fire growth during specified fire exposure conditions. It is intended for the evaluation of the flammability characteristics of wall and ceiling interior finish, other than textile wall coverings, where such materials constitute the exposed interior surfaces of buildings. This test is also known as the “room corner” test.

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Help improve public safety by working with the most current test methods for evaluating the contribution to room fire growth of wall and ceiling interior finish materials.

NFPA 286, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth, also known as the “room corner” test, is a vital resource for testing laboratories and manufacturers. The standard is your source for guidance on determining the flammability characteristics of exterior, non-load bearing wall assemblies and panels that are required to be of non-combustible construction but may contain combustible components.

Measurements in the fire test room document:

  • The extent of fire growth
  • Rate of heat release and total heat released
  • Time to flashover and flame extension
  • Total heat flux incident to the floor
  • Upper-level gas temperature
  • Smoke obscuration
  • Production of carbon monoxide
  • Emissions of other combustion gases




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$113.04 - $610.42