$113.04 - $508.68

This standard details requirements for the construction of new marine fire-fighting vessels, the conversion of existing vessels for fire-fighting purposes, as well as testing and maintenance. Please note: As part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council, this Standard has been combined into new consolidated Standard NFPA 1910. As a result of this action, the “current edition” of NFPA 1925 shown on this page is the last published edition of the standard’s content as a stand-alone standard. For further information and text of the current consolidated Standard, go to NFPA 1910.

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Apply the latest edition of NFPA 1925 to build, convert, test, and maintain marine fire-fighting vessels with confidence.

Help ensure effective operation of fire-fighting vessels through compliance with NFPA 1925, Standard on Marine Fire-Fighting Vessels. This updated Standard details requirements for the construction of new marine fire-fighting vessels and the conversion of existing vessels for fire-fighting purposes. It also details the minimum testing and maintenance requirements for marine fire-fighting vessels.

The Standard defines five classes of fire-fighting vessels and specifies:

  • Design considerations
  • Classifications
  • Fire-fighting system capabilities
  • Foam systems
  • Owner responsibilities
  • Fire protection equipment for the vessel
  • Fire-fighting and emergency equipment for the vessel
  • Subdivision and stability criteria
  • Main propulsion and auxiliary systems
  • Auxiliary machinery and systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Outfitting
  • Communications and equipment
  • Navigation systems and equipment
  • Protective coatings and corrosion protection
  • Tests and trials
  • Vessel maintenance

Changes in the 2018 edition of NFPA 1925 are in keeping with its scope.

This edition removes specific basic medical and first-aid supplies listed in Paragraph 10.6, leaving it to the AHJ to determine what the vessel is required to carry based on its intended use and mission. NFPA 1925 is not a detailed manufacturing purchase specification, but rather a reference for the minimum requirements that should be included within a purchase specification. (Print, 56 pp., 2018)




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$113.04 - $508.68