$113.04 - $1,446.91

This standard helps ensure effective fire control, extinguishment, prevention, or exposure protection through requirements for the design, installation, and system acceptance testing of water spray fixed systems for fire protection. It also contains requirements for the periodic testing and maintenance of ultra high-speed water spray fixed systems.


Changes to the 2022 edition of NFPA 15 include:
Updates on contractors’ material and test certificates
Clarifications for remote locations for hydraulic calculations
Allowance for multiple detector voting systems to reduce accidental activation


NFPA® 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection 2022 Edition
第1章 管理
1.1 スコープ
1.2 目的
1.3 Application.
1.4 Retroactivity.
1.5 Equivalency.
1.6 Units and Formulas.
第2章 参考文献
2.1 全般
2.2 NFPAの出版物
2.3 その他の出版物
2.4 必須セクションの抜粋の参考文献。
第3章 定義
3.1 全般
3.2 NFPA公式定義
3.3 一般的定義
第4章 一般要件
4.1 Design Objectives.
4.2 Special Considerations.
4.3 Qualifications.
4.4 Control of Runoff.
4.5 Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
Chapter 5 System Components
5.1 General.
5.2 Water Spray Nozzles.
5.3 Pipe and Tube.
5.4 Fittings.
5.5 Joining of Pipe and Fittings.
5.6 Hangers.
5.7 Valves.
5.8 Pressure Gauges.
5.9 Strainers.
5.10 Fire Department Connections.
5.11 Alarms.
5.12 Detection Systems.
Chapter 6 Installation Requirements
6.1 Basic Requirements.
6.2 Water Spray Nozzles.
6.3 Piping Installation.
6.4 System Attachments.
6.5 Automatic Detection Equipment.
Chapter 7 Design Objectives
7.1 System Design.
7.2 Extinguishment.
7.3 Control of Burning.
7.4 Exposure Protection.
7.5 Flammable Vapor Mitigation.
7.6 Combined Systems.
7.7 Automatic Detection Equipment.
Chapter 8 Plans and Hydraulic Calculations
8.1 全般
8.2 Working Plans.
8.3 Hydraulic Calculations.
8.4 Water Supply Information.
8.5 Hydraulic Calculation Procedures.
Chapter 9 Water Supplies
9.1 General.
9.2 Volume and Pressure.
9.3 Acceptable Water Supply Systems.
Chapter 10 System Acceptance
10.1 Certification.
10.2 Flushing of Supply Pipe.
10.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Tests.
10.4 Operating Tests.
10.5 Hydraulic Design Information Sign.
10.6 General Information Sign.
Chapter 11 System Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
11.1 General.
Chapter 12 Ultra-High-Speed Water Spray Systems
12.1 General.
12.2 Response Time.
12.3 Design Considerations.
12.4 System Acceptance.
12.5 Testing and Maintenance.
付属資料A 解説資料
Annex B Hydraulic Calculations
Annex C Informational References

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Understand current requirements for acceptance tests, pressure readings, and vapor cloud explosions in NFPA 15.

Keep fire protection systems up to code and ready to respond if fire strikes in an industrial facility. Reflecting the latest technology, test data, and field experience, NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, covers the design, installation, maintenance, and test requirements for fixed water spray systems.

Industrial fire protection depends on the proper operation of water spray fixed systems. NFPA 15 provides minimum requirements for the design, installation, and system acceptance testing of water spray fixed systems for fire protection service as well as periodic testing and maintenance of ultra-high-speed fixed water spray systems.
