$113.04 - $994.75

NFPA 86 minimizes fire and explosion hazards of ovens and furnaces used for commercial and industrial processing of materials.

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A propos de ce produit

Rely on the latest edition of NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces, to minimize fire and explosion hazards that endanger personnel, facilities, or equipment.

Stay up to date with the 2023 edition of NFPA 86, which provides the latest comprehensive requirements for the design, installation, operation, and inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM)  of Class A, B, C, and D ovens, dryers, and furnaces; thermal oxidizers; and any other heated enclosure used for processing materials and related equipment.

Help protect people and buildings with updated requirements for:

  • General approvals, plans, specifications, and safety labeling
  • Location and construction
  • Furnace heating systems
  • Commissioning, operations, and ITM
  • Safety equipment and application

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$113.04 - $994.75