$113.04 - $610.42

This standard provides a test method for determining the fire propagation characteristics of exterior wall assemblies and panels used as components of curtain wall assemblies that are constructed using combustible materials or that incorporate combustible components.

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Access the latest method for assessing the fire spread traits of exterior wall assemblies constructed of combustible materials or components.

NFPA 285, Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, outlines a test method for determining the flame spread resistant properties of these materials when exposed to interior fires.

The purpose of this standard is to provide a standardized fire test procedure for evaluating the suitability of exterior wall assemblies that are constructed using combustible materials or that incorporate combustible components for installation on buildings. It covers details for the test specimen—including how it must be mounted, the size of the specimen, and the position of it.


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$113.04 - $610.42