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Please note: As part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved and amended by the NFPA Standards Council, NFPA 1900 is a combination of Standards NFPA 414, NFPA 1901, NFPA 1906, and NFPA 1917. For revision cycle information of this consolidated standard, see the Next Edition tab.
A propos de ce produit
Help protect the public and fire service personnel by complying with new consolidated requirements for emergency response and responder safety.
NFPA 1900, Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles, Automotive Fire Apparatus, Wildland Fire Apparatus, and Automotive Ambulances, is a vital new resource to help ensure a safer and more effective emergency response in specialized circumstances.
As part of the NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan, the first edition combines NFPA 414, Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Vehicles; NFPA 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus; NFPA 1906, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus; and NFPA 1917, Standard for Automotive Ambulances.
Extensive changes to incorporated requirements in the 2024 edition of NFPA 1900 include:
Changes to the aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) vehicles requirements from combined standards to further explain the equivalency statement to better assist authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs)
Edits to the lettering, numbering, and striping requirements for ARFF vehicles, including requirements for the use of hybrid electric or electric ARFF vehicles given the increased use and demand for these types of vehicles
Deletion of duplicate material and chapters particularly from NFPA 1901 and NFPA 1906 for further consolidation of structural apparatus and wildland apparatus requirements
Equipment requirements moved from the main body of the document to the annexes
New requirements addressing the various types of engines that might be used on new fire department apparatus, including updated requirements for lettering, striping, and the use of colors and retro-reflective materials, to give the AHJ increased flexibility
Revisions to the optical warning systems on fire department apparatus
Significant change to remove the requirement on seatbelt warning systems with a detailed substantiation for this change and included annex material relating to the change
Updated requirements for optical warning systems
Table of Contents
NFPA® 1900 Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles, Automotive Fire Apparatus, Wildland Fire Apparatus, and Automotive Ambulances 2024 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles (NFPA 414)
4.1 Administration.
4.2 General.
4.3 Requirements for All Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles — Responsibility of Contractors/Suppliers.
4.4 Weights and Dimensions.
4.5 Propulsion System.
4.6 Vehicle Electrical System.
4.7 Vehicle Drive.
4.8 Suspension.
4.9 Rims, Tires, and Wheels.
4.10 Towing Connections.
4.11 Brakes.
4.12 Steering.
4.13 Cab.
4.14 Body.
4.15 Firefighting Systems and Agents.
4.16 Agent Pump(s) and Pump Drive.
4.17 Water Tank.
4.18 Foam System.
4.19 Premixed Foam Solutions.
4.20 Turret Nozzles.
4.21 Preconnected Handlines.
4.22 Turret, Ground Sweep, and Undertruck Nozzles.
4.23 Complementary Agent System.
4.24 Halogenated Agent.
4.25 Dry Chemical Turret.
4.26 Lighting and Electrical Equipment.
4.27 Application.
Chapter 5 Aircraft Interior Access Vehicle (NFPA 414)
5.1 General.
5.2 AIAV Vehicle Requirements.
5.3 AIAV Body.
5.4 AIAV Aircraft Access/Egress.
5.5 AIAV Docking Platform.
5.6 AIAV Performance Requirements.
5.7 AIAV Safety Requirements.
5.8 AIAV Acceptance Criteria.
Chapter 6 ARFF Apparatus — Acceptance Criteria (NFPA 414)
6.1 General.
6.2 Component Manufacturer’s Certification.
6.3 Prototype Vehicle Tests.
6.4 Operational Tests.
Chapter 7 Fire Apparatus — General Requirements (NFPA 1901/1906)
7.1 Administration.
7.2 General.
7.3 Requirements by Apparatus Type.
7.4 Responsibility of the Purchaser.
7.5 Responsibility of the Contractor.
7.6 Fire Apparatus Components.
7.7 Legal Requirements.
7.8 Third-Party Certification of Test Results.
7.9 Manufacturer Certification of Test Results.
7.10 Personnel Protection.
7.11 Controls and Instructions.
7.12 Onboard Data Management and Communications Equipment.
7.13 Component Protection.
7.14 Vehicle Stability.
7.15 Fire Apparatus Performance.
7.16 Highway Performance.
7.17 Serviceability.
7.18 General Pre-Delivery Tests.
7.19 Tests on Delivery.
7.20 Documentation.
7.21 Data Required of the Contractor.
7.22 Statement of Exceptions.
7.23 EV Engine Equipped Apparatus.
Chapter 8 Fire Apparatus — Requirements by Type (NFPA 1901/1906)
8.1 General.
8.2 Ground Ladders.
8.3 Suction Hose or Supply Hose.
8.4 Equipment.
8.5 Pumper Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.6 Initial Attack Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.7 Mobile Water Supply Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.8 Aerial Apparatus.
8.9 Aerial Quint Apparatus.
8.10 Special Service Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.11 Mobile Foam Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.12 Wildland Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.13 Wildland Mobile Water Supply Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.14 Wildland Crew Carrier Apparatus. (Reserved)
8.15 Wheel Chocks.
8.16 Traffic Vests.
8.17 Traffic Cones.
8.18 Illuminated Traffic Warning Devices.
8.19 Traffic Warning Triangle Kit.
8.20 Tire Tools.
Chapter 9 Fire Apparatus — Chassis and Vehicle Components (NFPA 1901/1906)
9.1 Carrying Capacity.
9.2 Engine and Engine System Design.
9.3 Vehicle Components.
9.4 Tractor-Drawn Aerial Fire Apparatus.
Chapter 10 Fire Apparatus — Low Voltage Electrical Systems and Warning Devices (NFPA 1901/1906)
10.1 General.
10.2 Wiring.
10.3 Power Supply.
10.4 Low Voltage Batteries.
10.5 Temperature Exposure.
10.6 Electromagnetic Interference.
10.7 Optical Warning Systems.
10.8 Audible Warning Devices.
10.9 Work Lighting.
10.10 Hazard Light.
10.11 Backup Devices.
10.12 Stop, Tail, and Directional Lights.
10.13 Low Voltage Electrical System Performance Tests.
10.14 Documentation.
Chapter 11 Fire Apparatus — Driving and Crew Areas (NFPA 1901/1906)
11.1 General.
11.2 Cab Tilt Systems.
11.3 Driving Compartment.
11.4 Tractor-Drawn Vehicles.
Chapter 12 Fire Apparatus — Body, Compartments, and Equipment Mounting (NFPA 1901/1906)
12.1 Compartmentation.
12.2 Equipment Containment.
12.3 Equipment Racks.
12.4 SCBA Storage.
12.5 Pump and Plumbing Access.
12.6 Stepping, Standing, and Walking Surfaces.
12.7 Access Handrails or Handholds.
12.8 Metal Finish.
12.9 Hose Storage.
12.10 Requirements for Mounting of Ground Ladders.
12.11 Receivers and Anchors for Rope and Removable Winches.
12.12 Slip-On Firefighting Module.
Chapter 13 Fire Apparatus — Fire Pumps and Associated Equipment (NFPA 1901)
13.1 Application.
13.2 Design and Performance Requirements.
13.3 Pumping Engine Requirements.
13.4 Power Train Capability.
13.5 Construction Requirements.
13.6 Pump Intake Connections.
13.7 Pump Discharge Outlets.
13.8 Pump Drains.
13.9 Pump Operator’s Panel.
13.10 Pump Controls.
13.11 Pump Engine Controls.
13.12 Instrumentation.
13.13 Required Testing.
Chapter 14 Fire Apparatus — Auxiliary Pumps and Associated Equipment (NFPA 1901)
14.1 Application.
14.2 Pump Performance.
14.3 Pump Rating Label.
14.4 Power Train Capability.
14.5 Construction Requirements.
14.6 Pump Intakes.
14.7 Pump Discharges.
14.8 Pump Operator’s Panel.
14.9 Pump Controls.
14.10 Pump Drive Systems.
14.11 Engine Controls.
14.12 Gauges and Instruments.
14.13 Testing.
Chapter 15 Fire Apparatus — Pumps for Wildland Firefighting and Associated Equipment (NFPA 1906)
15.1 Application.
15.2 Design and Performance Requirements.
15.3 Pump Engine Requirements.
15.4 Power Train Capability.
15.5 Construction Requirements.
15.6 Pump Intake.
15.7 Pump Discharge Outlets.
15.8 Pump Drains.
15.9 Pump Operator’s Location.
15.10 Pump Controls.
15.11 Pump Engine Controls.
15.12 Instrumentation.
15.13 Required Testing.
Chapter 16 Fire Apparatus — Ultra-High Pressure Fire Pumps and Associated Equipment (NFPA 1901/1906)
16.1 Application.
16.2 Pump Performance.
16.3 Power Train Capability.
16.4 Construction Requirements.
16.5 Pump Intakes.
16.6 Pump Discharges.
16.7 Pump Operator’s Panel.
16.8 Pump Controls.
16.9 Pump Drive Systems.
16.10 Engine Controls.
16.11 Gauges and Instruments.
16.12 Required Testing.
Chapter 17 Fire Apparatus — Water Tanks (NFPA 1901/1906)
17.1 Application.
17.2 Tank Construction.
17.3 Tank-to-Pump Intake Line.
17.4 Filling and Venting.
17.5 Mobile Water Supply Apparatus.
17.6 Water Tank Capacity Certification.
Chapter 18 Fire Apparatus — Foam Proportioning Systems (NFPA 1901/1906)
18.1 Application.
18.2 Requirements by Type of Foam Proportioning System.
18.3 Design and Performance Requirements of a Foam Proportioning System.
18.4 Controls for Foam Proportioning Systems.
18.5 Foam Proportioning System Pressure Gauges, Flowmeters, and Indicators.
18.6 Atmospheric Foam Concentrate Tank.
18.7 Foam Concentrate Pump.
18.8 Pressure Vessel Foam Concentrate or Foam Solution Tanks.
18.9 Labels and Instruction Plates.
18.10 Foam Proportioning System Accuracy.
18.11 Testing and Documentation.
Chapter 19 Fire Apparatus — Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS) (NFPA 1901/1906)
19.1 Application.
19.2 General Requirements.
19.3 Compressed Air System.
19.4 Air Mixing.
19.5 Compressed Air System Piping.
19.6 Air System Controls.
19.7 Foam System Pressure Gauges, Flowmeters, and Indicators.
19.8 Labels and Instruction Plates.
19.9 Manufacturer’s Predelivery Tests.
Chapter 20 Fire Apparatus — Aerial Devices (NFPA 1901)
20.1 General Requirements.
20.2 Aerial Ladder Requirements.
20.3 Rungs.
20.4 Ladder Handrails.
20.5 Secondary Operator Steps.
20.6 Fall Protection Anchors.
20.7 Obstructions Below the Ladder.
20.8 Access Provisions.
20.9 Breathing Air System.
20.10 Aerial Device General Breathing Air System Requirements.
20.11 Aerial Ladder Operating Position.
20.12 Aerial Ladder Operating Mechanisms.
20.13 Aerial Ladder Water Delivery System.
20.14 Elevating Platform Requirements.
20.15 Elevating Platform Rated Capacity.
20.16 Elevating Platform Operating Positions.
20.17 Elevating Platform Operating Mechanisms.
20.18 Ladders on the Elevating Platform.
20.19 Elevating Platform Water Delivery System.
20.20 Water Tower Requirements.
20.21 Water Tower Rated Capacity.
20.22 Water Tower Operating Mechanisms.
20.23 Water Tower Water Delivery System.
20.24 Control Devices.
20.25 Safety.
20.26 Hydraulic System.
20.27 Structure.
20.28 Stabilization.
20.29 Quality Control.
20.30 Instruction Plates and Signs.
20.31 Certification Tests.
20.32 Manufacturer’s Predelivery Test.
Chapter 21 Fire Apparatus — Line Voltage Electrical Systems (NFPA 1901)
21.1 Application.
21.2 General Requirements.
21.3 Grounding and Bonding.
21.4 Power Source General Requirements.
21.5 Power Source Type Specific Requirements.
21.6 Portable Generator Installations.
21.7 Line Voltage Supplied from an External Source.
21.8 Power Supply Assembly.
21.9 Overcurrent Protection.
21.10 Wiring Methods.
21.11 Wiring System Components.
21.12 Cord Reels.
21.13 Scene Lighting Systems.
21.14 Power-Operated Light Mast.
21.15 Electrical System Testing.
Chapter 22 Fire Apparatus — Command and Communications (NFPA 1901)
22.1 General.
22.2 Location.
22.3 Climate Control.
22.4 Noise Levels.
22.5 Lighting Levels.
22.6 Command Working Surfaces and Countertop.
22.7 Seating in Command Center.
22.8 Cabinets and Equipment Storage.
22.9 Wall, Ceiling, and Floor Surfaces.
22.10 Communications and Electrical Consoles.
22.11 Computer Equipment and Installation.
22.12 Video Equipment and Installation.
22.13 Power Operated Masts.
Chapter 23 Fire Apparatus — Air Systems (NFPA 1901)
23.1 Application.
23.2 Provisions Applying to All Air Systems.
23.3 Breathing Air Compressor.
23.4 Purification System.
23.5 Air Storage Systems.
23.6 Air Booster Systems.
23.7 Air Supply Regulation.
23.8 Air Control Panel.
23.9 SCBA or SCUBA Air Cylinder Fill Station.
23.10 Air Hose Reels.
23.11 Air Hose.
23.12 Low Pressure Utility Air Supply.
23.13 Remote Breathing Air Systems.
23.14 Breathing Air System Testing and Delivery.
23.15 Utility Air System Testing.
Chapter 24 Fire Apparatus — Winches (NFPA 1901/1906)
24.1 General.
24.2 Winch Wire or Synthetic Rope.
24.3 Clutch.
24.4 Electric Powered Winches.
24.5 Hydraulically Driven Winches.
Chapter 25 Fire Apparatus — Trailers (NFPA 1901)
25.1 General.
25.2 Classification of Trailers.
25.3 Carrying Capacity.
25.4 Information Labels and Instruction Plates.
25.5 Fluids and Pressures Specific to the Trailer Chassis.
25.6 Braking System.
25.7 Suspension and Wheels.
25.8 Trailer Hitch.
25.9 Wheel Chocks.
25.10 Low Voltage Electrical Systems and Warning Devices.
25.11 Reflective Markings.
Chapter 26 Fire Apparatus — Vehicle Protection Systems (NFPA 1906)
26.1 Brush Rails.
26.2 Grille Guard.
26.3 Skid Plates.
26.4 Chassis Component Protection.
Chapter 27 Fire Apparatus — Wildland Fire Crew Carrier Apparatus (NFPA 1906)
27.1 General.
27.2 Crew Compartment.
27.3 Crew Compartment Body Structural Integrity.
27.4 Crew Compartment Entry Doors.
27.5 Crew Compartment Body Means of Escape.
27.6 Crew Compartment Seats.
27.7 Crew Compartment Seat Head Height.
Chapter 28 Automotive Ambulances — General Requirements (NFPA 1917)
28.1 Administration.
28.2 General.
28.3 Responsibility of the Purchaser.
28.4 Responsibility of the Contractor.
28.5 Ambulance Components.
28.6 Legal Requirements.
28.7 Third-Party Certification of Test Results.
28.8 Manufacturer Certification of Test Results.
28.9 Personnel Protection.
28.10 Controls and Instructions.
28.11 Component Protection.
28.12 Ambulance Performance.
28.13 Road Performance.
28.14 Serviceability.
28.15 Tests on Delivery.
28.16 Documentation.
28.17 Data Required of Contractor.
28.18 Statement of Exceptions.
Chapter 29 Automotive Ambulances — Chassis (NFPA 1917)
29.1 Carrying Capacity.
29.2 Weight Distribution.
29.3 Reserved.
29.4 Engine Speed Auxiliary Control Device.
29.5 Exhaust System.
29.6 Braking System.
29.7 Suspension.
29.8 Wheels and Tires.
29.9 Vehicle Stability.
29.10 Rear Bumpers.
29.11 Stepping Surface.
29.12 Cab Seal.
29.13 Front Seats.
29.14 Rear Visibility.
29.15 Cab Integrity.
Chapter 30 Automotive Ambulances — Patient Compartment (NFPA 1917)
30.1 Patient Compartment Configuration.
30.2 Mounting.
30.3 Structural Integrity — Roof Loading.
30.4 Body Sealing.
30.5 Wheel Housings.
30.6 Patient Compartment to Cab Partition.
30.7 Access Handrails or Handholds.
30.8 Patient Compartment Entry Doors.
30.9 Means of Egress.
30.10 Exterior Stepping Surfaces and Interior Steps.
30.11 Exterior Storage.
30.12 Floor.
30.13 Floor Covering.
30.14 Insulation.
30.15 Interior Storage.
30.16 Interior Surfaces.
30.17 Equipment Mounting.
30.18 Waste and Sharps Disposal.
30.19 Fire Extinguishers.
30.20 Holder for Intravenous Fluid Containers.
30.21 Patient Compartment Seats.
30.22 Patient Cot Retention.
30.23 HVAC.
30.24 Interior Noise.
30.25 Reflective Striping.
30.26 Metal Finish.
30.27 Painting.
30.28 Medical Gas — Main Supply and Installation.
30.29 Suction Aspirator.
Chapter 31 Automotive Ambulances — Low Voltage Electrical Systems and Warning Devices (NFPA 1917)
31.1 General.
31.2 Wiring.
31.3 Power Supply.
31.4 Operational Electrical Load Test Conditions.
31.5 Load Management.
31.6 Batteries.
31.7 Temperature Exposure.
31.8 Electromagnetic Interference.
31.9 Optical Warning Systems.
31.10 Audible Warning Devices.
31.11 Exterior and Interior Lighting.
31.12 Do-Not-Move Ambulance Light.
31.13 Backup Alarm.
31.14 Stop, Tail, and Directional Lights.
31.15 Communications Equipment.
Chapter 32 Automotive Ambulances — Line Voltage Electrical Systems (NFPA 1917)
32.1 General.
32.2 General Requirements.
32.3 Grounding and Bonding.
32.4 Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters.
32.5 Wiring Methods.
32.6 Wiring System Components.
32.7 Cord Reels.
32.8 Transfer Switch Applications.
32.9 Scene Lighting Systems.
32.10 Appliance Accessibility and Fastening.
Chapter 33 Automotive Ambulances — Line Voltage Power Source (NFPA 1917)
33.1 General Requirements.
33.2 Requirements by Generator Size.
33.3 Power-Source-Type Specific Requirements.
33.4 Wiring for Portable Generator.
Chapter 34 Automotive Ambulances — Remounted Ambulance Patient Compartments (NFPA 1917)
34.1 Application.
34.2 Equivalency.
34.3 General.
34.4 Responsibility of the Purchaser.
34.5 Responsibility of the Contractor.
34.6 Remounted Ambulance Components.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle Questionnaire (NFPA 414)
Annex C Driver’s Enhanced Vision System (NFPA 414)
Annex D Specifying and Procuring Fire Apparatus (NFPA 1901)
Annex E Weights and Dimensions for Common Equipment (NFPA 1901)
Annex F Guidelines for First-Line and Reserve Fire Apparatus (NFPA 1901)
Annex G History of NFPA 1900
Annex H Additional Information for Assessing Suitability and Scope for Remounts (NFPA 1917)
Annex I Informational References
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