$113.04 - $712.15

This standard applies only to advanced light water reactor electric generating plants and provides fire protection requirements to ensure safe shutdown of the reactor, minimize the release of radioactive materials to the environment, provide safety to life of on-site personnel, limit property damage, and protect continuity of plant operation.

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Stay up to date with information that can impact your work and ability to maintain compliance in nuclear facilities.

Fire represents one of the largest single contributors to the possibility of reactor damage in the United States and around the world. NFPA 804, Standard for Fire Protection for Advanced Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, provides comprehensive fire safety criteria specific to designing, constructing, operating, and regulating these types of nuclear facilities.

The standard offers a prescriptive-based approach to fire protection and safety based on the principle of defense-in-depth and serves as an essential resource for engineers, plant managers, fire policy leaders, and any personnel responsible for helping to safeguard advanced light water reactor electric generating plants.

The requirements of NFPA 804 help prevent switchgear fires and the potential of other catastrophic events for the continuous safe operation of advanced light water reactor electric generating plants. The standard includes the following topics:

  • Ensuring the reactor is safely shut down
  • Curtailing the escape of radioactive materials
  • Protecting on-site personnel
  • Minimizing facility damages
  • Maintaining continuity of operation
  • Limiting property damage

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$113.04 - $712.15