Significant revisions in the 2019 edition reflect the needs of all types of companies and organizations today:
The standard is reorganized for better alignment with the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) model or Deming Cycle.
New requirements to establish and maintain crisis management capabilities include critical details regarding assigned responsibilities and processes.
All-new Annex L on data interoperability for emergency management, continuity, and crisis management provides criteria for assessing your organization’s needs and capabilities, to help you develop plans to fill any gaps.
Numerous updated crosswalks and annexes reflect changes to the main body of the standard, for easier navigation and application.
The standard was adopted by the US Department of Homeland Security as a voluntary consensus standard for emergency preparedness, and the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 9/11 Commission) recognized NFPA 1600 as our National Preparedness Standard®.*
*The 2013, 2007, and 2010 editions of NFPA 1600 have been designated by DHS to be used by accredited third parties, to evaluate and certify compliance of entities under its Private Sector Preparedness (PS Prep) Program.
Table of Contents
NFPA 1600® Standard on Continuity, Emergency, and Crisis Management 2019 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Program Management
4.1 Leadership and Commitment.
4.2 Program Coordinator.
4.3 Performance Objectives.
4.4 Program Committee.
4.5 Program Administration.
4.6 Laws and Authorities.
4.7 Finance and Administration.
4.8 Records Management.
Chapter 5 Planning
5.1 Planning and Design Process.
5.2 Risk Assessment.
5.3 Business Impact Analysis (BIA).
5.4 Resource Needs Assessment.
Chapter 6 Implementation
6.1 Common Plan Requirements.
6.2 Prevention.
6.3 Mitigation.
6.4 Crisis Management.
6.5 Crisis Communications and Public Information.
6.6 Warning, Notifications, and Communications.
6.7 Operational Procedures.
6.8 Incident Management.
6.9 Emergency Operations/Response Plan.
6.10 Continuity and Recovery.
6.11 Employee Assistance and Support.
Chapter 7 Execution
7.1 Incident Recognition.
7.2 Initial Reporting/Notification.
7.3 Plan Activation and Incident Action Plan.
7.4 Activate Incident Management System.
7.5 Ongoing Incident Management and Communications.
7.6 Documenting Incident Information, Decisions, and Actions.
7.7 Incident Stabilization.
7.8 Demobilize Resources and Termination.
Chapter 8 Training and Education
8.1 Curriculum.
8.2 Goal of Curriculum.
8.3 Scope and Frequency of Instruction.
8.4 Incident Management System Training.
8.5 Recordkeeping.
8.6 Regulatory and Program Requirements.
8.7 Public Education.
Chapter 9 Exercises and Tests
9.1 Program Evaluation.
9.2 Exercise and Test Methodology.
9.3 Design of Exercises and Tests.
9.4 Exercise and Test Evaluation.
9.5 Frequency.
Chapter 10 Program Maintenance and Improvement
10.1 Program Reviews.
10.2 Corrective Action.
10.3 Continuous Improvement.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Self-Assessment for Conformity with NFPA 1600, 2019 Edition
Annex C Small Business Preparedness Guide
Annex D Crosswalk Between NFPA 1600 and DRII Professional Practices, CSA Z1600, and Federal Continuity Directive 1 & 2
Annex E NFPA 1600, 2019 Edition, as an MSS
Annex F Maturity Models
Annex H Personal and/or Family Preparedness
Annex I Access and Functional Needs
Annex J Social Media in Emergency Management
Annex K Emergency Communications: Public Alerts and Warnings in Disaster Response
Annex L Emergency Management, Continuity, and Crisis Management Data Interoperability
Annex M Informational References
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