
2023 Table of Contents

NFPA® 715 Standard for the Installation of Fuel Gases Detection and Warning Equipment 2023 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Retroactivity.
1.5 Equivalency.
1.6 Units of Measure.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Fuel Gas Detection Systems
4.1 Application.
4.2 Purpose.
4.3 Equipment.
4.4 Personnel Qualifications.
4.5 Power Supplies.
4.6 Distinctive Signals.
4.7 Alarm Signals.
4.8 Supervisory Signals.
4.9 Trouble Signals.
4.10 Fuel Gas Control Function Status Indicators.
4.11 Performance and Limitations.
4.12 Annunciation and Annunciation Zoning.
4.13 Monitoring Integrity and Circuit Performance of Installation Conductors and Other Signaling Channels.
4.14 Documentation.
Chapter 5 Protected Premises Fuel Gas Detection Systems
5.1 Application.
5.2 General.
5.3 System Features.
5.4 System Performance and Integrity.
5.5 Performance of Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs).
5.6 Performance of Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs).
5.7 Performance of Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs).
5.8 System Requirements.
5.9 Signal Annunciation.
5.10 Off-Premises Signals.
5.11 Protected Premises Fuel Gas Control Functions.
5.12 Special Requirements for Low-Power Radio (Wireless) Systems.
Chapter 6 Notification Appliances for Fuel Gas Detection Systems
6.1 Application.
6.2 Purpose.
6.3 General.
6.4 Audible Characteristics.
6.5 Visual Characteristics—Public Mode.
6.6 Visual Characteristics—Private Mode.
6.7 Supplementary Visible Signaling Methods.
6.8 Textual Audible Appliances.
6.9 Textual and Graphical Visible Appliances.
6.10 Tactile Appliances.
6.11 Emergency Services Interfaces.
Chapter 7 Off-Premises Signal Transmission
7.1 Application.
7.2 General.
7.3 Prearranged Testing.
7.4 Operation and Record Keeping.
Chapter 8 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
8.1 Application.
8.2 General.
8.3 Inspection.
8.4 Testing.
8.5 Maintenance.
8.6 Records.
8.7 Single- and Multiple-Station Fuel Gas Alarms.
8.8 Household Fuel Gas Detection Systems.
Chapter 9 Single- and Multiple-Station Alarms and Household Fuel Gas Detection
9.1 Application.
9.2 Purpose.
9.3 Basic Requirements.
9.4 Required Protection.
9.5 Power Supplies.
9.6 Equipment Performance.
9.7 Installation.
9.8 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance.
9.9 Markings and Instructions.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Dangers and Properties of Fuel Gases
Annex C Guidelines for Emergency Responders
Annex D Informational References

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About This Product

Access requirements for fuel-gas warning device installations by referencing this all-new standard.

NFPA® 715, Standard for the Installation of Fuel Gases Detection and Warning Equipment, provides requirements for this vital equipment intended to warn occupants of the presence of gas in time to escape or take other action. The document addresses the selection, design, application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of fuel gas detection and warning equipment in buildings and structures.

This brand-new standard is essential for anyone concerned with helping to ensure safer fuel gas system installations.

NFPA 715 addresses the means of signal initiation, transmission, notification, and annunciation, the levels of performance, and the reliability of fuel gas detection and warning equipment.

Featured topics:

  • Fundamentals of fuel gas detection systems
  • Protected premises fuel gas detection systems
  • Notification appliances for fuel gas detection systems
  • Single- and multiple-station alarms and household fuel gas detection

NFPA 715, Standard for the Installation of Fuel Gases Detection and Warning Equipment, is a must-have for product manufacturers, local authorities having jurisdiction, first response organizations, pipeline safety regulators, gas distribution system operators, and consumers. (Print, 103 pp., 2023)

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Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.