
This standard presents a method for qualifying the fire performance of a thermal barrier to evaluate its ability to prevent ignition from a standard fire exposure or delay its occurrence.


Conduct fire performance assessments in compliance with the requirements in NFPA 275, Standard Method for Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers, 2022 edition.
The latest edition of NFPA 275 offers the most current criteria for temperature transmission fire tests and integrity fire tests on thermal barriers. Intended to be referenced by building codes, the standard applies to building construction materials, products, and assemblies used to protect foam plastic insulation and MCM. The 2022 edition is updated to address testing at different incident heat fluxes for larger fire separation distances.
NFPA 275 is the go-to resource for accurately gauging thermal barrier fire performance.
It’s vital that manufacturers, testing laboratories, and engineers have access to the most accurate and dependable information and requirements. Play your part in improving public safety by referring to NFPA 275, Standard Method for Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers, 2022 edition. Purchase your copy today. (Print, 16 pp., 2022)

Table of Contents

NFPA® 275 Standard Method of Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers 2022 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Temperature Transmission Fire Test (Part I)
4.1 Thermal Barrier Supporting Structure.
4.2 Thermal Barrier Test Specimen.
4.3 Test Specimen Instrumentation.
4.4 Test Specimen Conditioning.
4.5 Test Furnace.
4.6 Control of Fire Test.
4.7 Duration of Fire Test.
4.8 Conditions of Acceptance.
Chapter 5 Integrity Fire Test (Part II)
5.1 Test Method.
5.2 Conditions of Acceptance.
Chapter 6 Test Report
6.1 Test Report.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.
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About This Product

Reference the test methods specified in NFPA 275 to help increase safety and reduce damage and loss from fire in the built environment.

Many codes and standards include general requirements for portions of buildings to be separated by 15-minute thermal barriers. NFPA 275, Standard Method for Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers, was created to address these critical fire protection components in more thorough and precise terms. The standard offers the methods for assessing a thermal barrier’s capacity to safeguard foam plastic insulation or metal composite materials (MCM) and prevent or delay ignition from exposure.

NFPA 275 provides fire test methods that identify sample construction, fire exposures, and acceptance criteria for use as a thermal barrier. Performance is determined by the ability to limit the temperature rise of unexposed surfaces and to remain intact to protect from ignition.

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Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.