
This standard identifies the minimum job performance requirements (JPRs) for fire service and other emergency response personnel who perform technical rescue operations.


The 2021 edition is revised to make requirements easier to understand and apply and to reflect the latest technologies and industry changes:
Adjustments to the entire document to better align requirements with NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents, and other criteria in the document
Expanded information on vehicle rescue discipline by adding a new chapter on common passenger vehicles
Renaming of vehicle rescue to heavy vehicle rescue to reflect the significant differences between the two types of vehicles
Numerous revisions throughout the document to provide clarity to certain areas, to strengthen the requirements to be qualified, and to take into account commonly accepted practices and include them in the requirements

Table of Contents

NFPA® 1006 Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications 2021 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Units.
1.5 Operational Levels.
1.6 General.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications. (Reserved)
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Tower Rescue
4.1 Awareness Level.
4.2 Operations Level.
4.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 5 Rope Rescue
5.1 Awareness Level.
5.2 Operations Level.
5.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 6 Structural Collapse Rescue
6.1 Awareness Level.
6.2 Operations Level.
6.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 7 Confined Space Rescue
7.1 Awareness Level.
7.2 Operations Level.
7.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 8 Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue
8.1 Awareness Level.
8.2 Operations Level.
8.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 9 Heavy Vehicle Rescue
9.1 Awareness Level.
9.2 Operations Level.
9.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 10 Animal Technical Rescue
10.1 Awareness Level.
10.2 Operations-Level General Requirements.
10.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 11 Wilderness Search and Rescue
11.1 Awareness Level.
11.2 Operations Level.
11.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 12 Trench Rescue
12.1 Awareness Level.
12.2 Operations Level.
12.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 13 Machinery Rescue
13.1 Awareness Level.
13.2 Operations Level.
13.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 14 Cave Rescue
14.1 Awareness Level.
14.2 Operations Level.
14.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 15 Mine and Tunnel Rescue
15.1 Awareness Level.
15.2 Operations Level.
15.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 16 Helicopter Rescue
16.1 Awareness Level.
16.2 Operations Level.
16.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 17 Surface Water Rescue
17.1 Awareness Level.
17.2 Operations Level.
17.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 18 Swiftwater Rescue
18.1 Awareness Level.
18.2 Operations Level.
18.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 19 Dive Rescue
19.1 Awareness Level.
19.2 Operations Level.
19.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 20 Ice Rescue
20.1 Awareness Level.
20.2 Operations Level.
20.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 21 Surf Rescue
21.1 Awareness Level.
21.2 Operations Level.
21.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 22 Watercraft Rescue
22.1 Awareness Level.
22.2 Operations Level.
22.3 Technician Level.
Chapter 23 Floodwater Rescue
23.1 Awareness Level.
23.2 Operations Level.
23.3 Technician Level.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Explanation of the Professional Qualifications Standards and Concepts of JPRs
Annex C An Overview of JPRs for Technical Rescue Personnel
Annex D National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Annex E Collapse Types
Annex F Confined Space Entry Permit
Annex G Structural Types
Annex H Structural Marking Systems
Annex I Trench and Excavation Rescue Incidents
Annex J Sloping and Benching
Annex K Technical Rescuer Tool Kit
Annex L Water/Flood Incident Checklist
Annex M IADRS Annual Watermanship Test
Annex N Informational References

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About This Product

Be prepared for the ever-changing challenges and risks in rescue work.

NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications, provides complete job performance requirements for fire service and other emergency response personnel to help instill the confidence that you have the knowledge to get the job done safely and efficiently. The standard offers awareness level, operations level, and technician level provisions for all types of land, air, and water rescue operations.

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Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.