
NFPA 851 was withdrawn in the Fall 2014 revision cycle. NFPA 851 material has been incorporated into NFPA 850. The NFPA Standards Council approved the withdrawal on November 11, 2014. This recommended practice provides fire prevention and fire protection recommendations for hydroelectric generating plants to safeguard personnel, protect physical property, ensure continuity of power production, and control the impact of fire and fire-fighting activities on the environment.

2010 Table of Contents

NFPA® 851 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Hydroelectric Generating Plants 2010 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Application
1.4 Equivalency
1.5 Units
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General
2.2 NFPA Publications
2.3 Other Publications
2.4 References for Extracts in Recommendations Sections
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions
3.3 General Definitions
Chapter 4 Fire Protection Design Process
4.1 General
4.2 Stakeholders
4.3 Inputs to the Design Process
4.4 Fire Protection Design Basis Process
4.5 Fire Protection Design Basis Document (Deliverables)
Chapter 5 General Plant Design
5.1 Plant Arrangement
5.2 Life Safety
5.3 Building Construction Materials
5.4 Smoke and Heat Venting, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
5.5 Containment and Drainage
5.6 Emergency Lighting
5.7 Lightning Protection
Chapter 6 General Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
6.1 General Considerations
6.2 Water Supply
6.3 Valve Supervision
6.4 Supply Mains and Hydrants
6.5 Standpipe and Hose Systems
6.6 Portable Fire Extinguishers
6.7 Fire Suppression Systems and Equipment � General Requirements
6.8 Fire Signaling Systems
6.9 Unattended Plants
Chapter 7 Identification and Protection of Hazards
7.1 General
7.2 Turbine-Generator Hydraulic Control and Lubricating Oil Systems
7.3 Generator Pit and Windings
7.4 Control, Computer, and Communication Rooms
7.5 Cable Concentrations
7.6 Cable Tunnels
7.7 Transformers
7.8 Indoor Oil-Filled Electrical Equipment
7.9 Battery Rooms
7.10 Switchgear and Relay Rooms
7.11 Emergency Generators
7.12 Air Compressors
7.13 Hydraulic Systems for Gate and Valve Operators
7.14 Fire Pumps
7.15 Storage Rooms, Offices, and Shops
7.16 Warehouses
7.17 Auxiliary Heating
7.18 Garages
Chapter 8 Fire Protection for the Construction Site
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Administration
8.3 Site Clearing, Excavation, and Tunneling
8.4 Construction Warehouses, Shops, Offices, and Construction Camps
8.5 Construction Site Laydown Areas
8.6 Temporary Construction Materials
8.7 Underground Mains, Hydrants, and Water Supplies
8.8 Fire Suppression Systems and Equipment
Chapter 9 Fire Risk Control Program
9.1 General
9.2 Management Policy and Direction
9.3 Fire Risk Control Program
9.4 Fire Protection Program
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Sample Fire Report
Annex C Loss Experience
Annex D Fire Protection Design Basis Document
Annex E Informational References

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.
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About This Product

Work with expanded safety criteria for hydroelectric plants in the 2010 NFPA 851.

NFPA 851: Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Hydroelectric Generating Plants provides fire prevention and fire protection with recommendations to safeguard physical property and ensure continuity of power production.

This document offers guidance to those involved with the design, construction, and operation of hydroelectric generating plants. In addition, general plant design, fire protection systems, and identification and protection of hazards are also covered.

The revised 2010 edition includes new chapter on a fire protection design process. NFPA 851 also recognizes the use of compressed air foam systems and fast depressurization systems and provide recommendations on the use of these systems. (Print, 27 pp., 2010)


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Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.