2023 Table of Contents
NFPA® 495 Explosive Materials Code 2023 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Retroactivity.
1.5 Equivalency.
1.6 Enforcement.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Security and Safety of Explosive Materials
4.1 Basic Requirements.
4.2 Permit Requirements.
4.3 Permit Classes.
4.4 Requirements for Blaster’s Permit.
4.5 Posting of Permits.
4.6 Permit Restrictions.
4.7 Denial or Revocation of Permits.
4.8 Record Keeping and Reporting.
4.9 Applications.
4.10 Renewals.
Chapter 5 Manufacturing and Testing
5.1 Scope.
5.2 General Requirements.
5.3 Classification and Characterization of Energetic Materials Used in Process Operations.
5.4 Buildings and Equipment.
5.5 Operations.
5.6 Explosive Materials Testing Sites.
Chapter 6 Blasting Agents
6.1 Scope.
6.2 Fixed Location Mixing.
6.3 Bulk Mixing and Delivery Vehicles.
6.4 Bulk Storage Bins.
6.5 Storage of Blasting Agents and Supplies.
6.6 Transportation of Packaged Blasting Agents.
6.7 Use of Blasting Agents.
Chapter 7 Water Gel, Slurry, and Emulsion Explosive Materials
7.1 Scope.
7.2 Fixed Location Mixing.
7.3 Bulk Mixing and Delivery Vehicles.
7.4 Storage of Water Gels, Slurries, and Emulsions.
Chapter 8 Transportation of Explosive Materials on Highways
8.1 Basic Requirements.
8.2 Transportation Vehicles.
8.3 Operation of Transportation Vehicles.
Chapter 9 Aboveground Storage of Explosive Materials
9.1 Scope.
9.2 Basic Requirements.
9.3 Classification and Use of Magazines.
9.4 Location of Magazines.
9.5 Magazine Construction — Basic Requirements.
9.6 Magazine Construction — Requirements for Specific Types.
9.7 Storage Within Magazines.
9.8 Miscellaneous Safety Precautions.
Chapter 10 Use of Explosive Materials for Blasting
10.1 Basic Requirements.
10.2 Preblast Operations.
10.3 Initiating Blasts.
10.4 Procedures After Blasting.
10.5 Misfires.
10.6 Disposal of Explosive Materials.
Chapter 11 Ground Vibration, Air Overpressure, Flyrock, and Gases
11.1 Basic Requirements.
11.2 Ground Vibration.
11.3 Air Overpressure.
11.4 Flyrock.
11.5 Gases.
Chapter 12 Explosive Materials at Piers and Railway, Truck, and Air Terminals
12.1 Basic Requirements.
12.2 Notifications.
12.3 Facilities for Trailer-on-Flatcar and Container-on-Flatcar.
12.4 Designation of Facilities.
Chapter 13 Precursor Chemicals
13.1 Basic Requirements.
13.2 Storage.
13.3 Use.
13.4 Record Keeping and Reporting.
Chapter 14 Small Arms Ammunition and Primers, Smokeless Propellants, and Black Powder Propellants
14.1 Basic Requirements.
14.2 Small Arms Ammunition.
14.3 Smokeless Propellants.
14.4 Black Powder.
14.5 Small Arms Primers.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 495
Annex C Recommended Separation Distances of Ammonium Nitrate and Blasting Agents from Explosives or Blasting Agents
Annex D Magazine Construction
Annex E U.S. Department of Transportation Proposed Revisions of Explosive Materials Transport Regulations
Annex F Informational References
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