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$113.04 – $904.32
This standard provides requirements for protection against fire and explosion hazards specific to wastewater treatment facilities and their associated collection systems.
Keep Pace with Safety Innovations in Wastewater Treatment.
Fire and explosion hazards in wastewater treatment plants and related collection systems are a significant public safety concern. NFPA 820, Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities, helps ensure treatment facilities, plants, sewers, and ancillary structures are safe and compliant.
The requirements offer hazard classification and general provisions for construction, ventilation, and electrical installation in wastewater treatment facilities.
Vital updates in the 2024 edition include:
Revisions to address the accumulation of flammable gases and vapors
Added reference materials for conducting a process hazard analysis
Changes to definitions, including constantly attended locations to constantly monitored location and flammable and combustible liquids to ignitible (flammable and combustible) liquid to correspond with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
New tables to better clarify the classified areas and ventilation requirements
Changes to applying ventilation monitoring systems and quarterly testing requirements
New requirement on low flame spread index material
New requirements and materials for risk assessments, fire inspections, system testing, fire brigades, and personal protective equipment
Changes to the term belowgrade (to belowgrade or partially belowgrade) to allow for the inclusion of partially belowgrade pits, wells, or similar structures
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