$113.04 - $1,978.20

This code provides safety requirements for the design, construction, location, installation, operation, and maintenance of refrigerated and non-refrigerated utility gas plants.

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Help Keep Utility Gas Plants—and People—Safe from Fire and Explosion

Utility gas plants offer us a modern convenience that can sometimes be taken for granted, but those who work with them know the seriousness of the potential dangers they pose. NFPA 59, Utility LP-Gas Plant Code, works in combination with US Department of Transportation regulations to provide provisions for constructing and maintaining plants that store and vaporize LP-Gas or LP-Gas–air mixtures for distribution to 10 or more customers.

Whether you’re a designer, facility operator, or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), this comprehensive standard helps you prevent fire, explosions, and other hazards from happening at your utility plant. The code covers general requirements for the design, construction, location, installation, operation, and maintenance of refrigerated and non-refrigerated liquefied petroleum utility gas plants. 


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$113.04 - $1,978.20