$113.04 - $508.68

This standard identifies and establishes levels of functional capability for efficiently and effectively conducting operations at technical search and rescue incidents while minimizing threats to rescuers. It is intended to help the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) assess a technical search and rescue hazard within the response area, identify the level of operational capability, and establish operational criteria. Please note: As part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council, this Standard has been combined into new consolidated Standard NFPA 2500. As a result of this action, the “current edition” of NFPA 1670 shown on this page is the last published edition of the standard’s content as a stand-alone standard. For further information and text of the current consolidated Standard, go to NFPA 2500.

2017 Table of Contents

NFPA® 1670 Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents 2017 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Equivalency.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 General Requirements
4.1 General.
4.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
4.3 Incident Response Planning.
4.4 Equipment.
4.5 Safety.
Chapter 5 Rope Rescue
5.1 General Requirements.
5.2 Awareness Level.
5.3 Operations Level.
5.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 6 Structural Collapse Search and Rescue
6.1 General Requirements.
6.2 Awareness Level.
6.3 Operations Level.
6.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 7 Confined Space Search and Rescue
7.1 General Requirements.
7.2 Awareness Level.
7.3 Operations Level.
7.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 8 Vehicle Search and Rescue
8.1 General Requirements.
8.2 Awareness Level.
8.3 Operations Level.
8.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 9 Animal Technical Rescue
9.1 General Requirements.
9.2 Awareness Level.
9.3 Operations Level.
9.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 10 Wilderness Search and Rescue
10.1 General Requirements.
10.2 Awareness Level.
10.3 Operations Level.
10.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 11 Trench Search and Rescue
11.1 General Requirements.
11.2 Awareness Level.
11.3 Operations Level.
11.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 12 Machinery Search and Rescue
12.1 General Requirements.
12.2 Awareness Level.
12.3 Operations Level.
12.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 13 Cave Search and Rescue
13.1 General Requirements.
13.2 Awareness Level.
13.3 Operations Level.
13.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 14 Mine and Tunnel Search and Rescue
14.1 General Requirements.
14.2 Awareness Level.
14.3 Operations Level.
14.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 15 Helicopter Search and Rescue
15.1 General Requirements.
15.2 Awareness Level.
15.3 Operations Level.
15.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 16 Surface Water Search and Rescue
16.1 General Requirements.
16.2 Awareness Level.
16.3 Operations Level.
16.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 17 Swiftwater Search and Rescue
17.1 General Requirements.
17.2 Awareness Level.
17.3 Operations Level.
17.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 18 Dive Search and Rescue
18.1 General Requirements.
18.2 Awareness Level.
18.3 Operations Level.
18.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 19 Ice Search and Rescue
19.1 General Requirements.
19.2 Awareness Level.
19.3 Operations Level.
19.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 20 Surf Search and Rescue
20.1 General Requirements.
20.2 Awareness Level.
20.3 Operations Level.
20.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 21 Watercraft Search and Rescue
21.1 General Requirements.
21.2 Awareness Level.
21.3 Operations Level.
21.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 22 Flood Search and Rescue
22.1 General Requirements.
22.2 Awareness Level.
22.3 Operations Level.
22.4 Technician Level.
Chapter 23 Tower Search and Rescue
23.1 Prerequisites.
23.2 General Requirements.
23.3 Awareness Level.
23.4 Operations Level.
23.5 Technician Level.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Sloping and Benching
Annex C Structural Types
Annex D External Resources
Annex E Hazards Found in Structural Collapse
Annex F Structural Marking Systems
Annex G Classification of Spaces by Types
Annex H Excavation Requirements and Soil Types
Annex I Building Collapse Patterns
Annex J Animal Rescue
Annex K Informational References

Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis ist: $113.04.
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Über dieses Produkt

Use the 2017 edition of NFPA 1670 to enhance the safety of emergency personnel responding to technical search and rescue incidents.

Significantly restructured and updated for the latest edition, NFPA 1670: Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents is the essential document that identifies and establishes levels of functional capability for conducting operations safely and effectively while minimizing threats to rescuers.

With natural and manmade disasters seemingly on the rise, NFPA 1670 is a must for professionals in organizations providing technical search and rescue at the awareness, operations or technician level. It regulates incidents involving rope rescue, structural collapse, confined space entry, floodwater, urban search and rescue, mines, tunnels, and much more.

The fundamentals of technical rescue covered include:

  • Conducting hazard identification and risk assessments
  • Planning for incident response (e.g. addressing rescuer safety, operational capability, and equipment and training needs)
  • Determining the level of functional capability for a rescue organization that could be involved in a technical search and rescue incident

The 2017 edition of NFPA 1670 is revised to correlate with NFPA 1006: Standard for Technical Rescuer Personnel Professional Qualifications.

  • A joint task group worked to correlate the material found in both NFPA 1670 and the 2017 edition of NFPA 1006. Correlation establishes a consensus for Awareness, Operations, and Technician for emergency responder levels between the documents, utilizing the same definitions in NFPA 1670 und NFPA 1006 and aligning chapters where possible.
  • Chapters have been created for Floodwater and Watercraft to further reflect various water-type rescue challenges.

Keep up with the latest safety guidelines for technical search and rescue operations. Order your copy of NFPA 1670 today. (Print, 132 pp., 2017)


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Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis ist: $113.04.