$113.04 - $2,170.37

NFPA 10 provides requirements to ensure that portable fire extinguishers will work as intended to provide a first line of defense against fires of limited size.


The 2022 edition includes clarified provisions for:
Signage requirements where multiple extinguishers for different hazards are present
Immediate replacement of extinguishers removed from service
Replacement of defective gauges
Electronic monitoring system maintenance requirements
Other recent changes include the reorganization of several sections:
Sections related to fire extinguisher selection have been reorganized.
Sections provide clarification on what type of fire extinguisher to use for a specific hazard.
Explanations and examples are included in the annex materials.


NFPA® 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers 2022 Edition
Kapitel 1 Verwaltung
1.1 Anwendungsbereich.
1.2 Zweck.
1.3 Units.
Kapitel 2 Referenzierte Veröffentlichungen
2.1 Allgemeines.
2.2 NFPA-Veröffentlichungen.
2.3 Sonstige Veröffentlichungen.
2.4 Verweise auf Auszüge in obligatorischen Abschnitten.
Kapitel 3 Begriffsbestimmungen
3.1 Allgemeines.
3.2 Offizielle Definitionen der NFPA.
3.3 Allgemeine Definitionen.
3.4 Fire Extinguisher Definitions.
Kapitel 4 Allgemeine Anforderungen
4.1 Listing and Labeling.
4.2 Identification of Contents.
4.3 Instruction Manual.
4.4 Obsolete Fire Extinguishers.
Chapter 5 Selection of Portable Fire Extinguishers
5.1 General Requirements.
5.2 Classifications of Fires.
5.3 Extinguisher Classification System.
5.4 Classification of Hazards.
5.5 Selection of Fire Extinguishers.
Chapter 6 Installation
6.1 Allgemeines.
6.2 Installations for Class A Hazards.
6.3 Installations for Class B Hazards.
6.4 Installations for Class C Hazards.
6.5 Installations for Class D Hazards.
6.6 Installations for Class K Hazards.
6.7 Solid-Fuel Cooking Appliances.
Chapter 7 Inspection, Maintenance, and Recharging
7.1 Allgemeines.
7.2 Inspection.
7.3 Extinguisher Maintenance.
7.4 Carbon Dioxide Hose Assembly Conductivity Test.
7.5 Hose Station Maintenance.
7.6 Electronic Monitoring System Maintenance.
7.7 Maintenance of Wheeled Extinguisher Hoses and Regulators.
7.8 Extinguisher Recharging and Extinguishing Agents.
7.9 Pressure Gauges.
7.10 Cabinets.
7.11 Maintenance of Signage.
7.12 Prohibition on Uses of Extinguishers and Conversion of Fire Extinguisher Types.
7.13 Maintenance and Recharge Service Collar.
7.14 Weight Scales.
Chapter 8 Hydrostatic Testing
8.1 General.
8.2 Test Equipment.
8.3 Frequency.
8.4 Extinguisher Examination.
8.5 Testing Procedures.
8.6 Test Pressures.
8.7 Recording of Hydrostatic Tests.
8.8 Condemning Extinguishers.
Anhang A Erläuterndes Material
Annex B Recommended Markings to Indicate Extinguisher Suitability According to Class of Fire
Annex C Fire Extinguisher Selection
Annex D Operation and Use
Annex E Distribution
Annex F Selection of Residential Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
Annex G Extinguisher Classification and Rating System
Annex H Conditions of Selection
Annex I Maintenance Procedures
Annex J Typical Specification of Equipment Capable of Producing Dry Air
Annex K Informational References

Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis lautet: $113.04.
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Über dieses Produkt

Portable fire extinguishers are a critical first line of defense against small fires when used by trained personnel. For the best protection, be sure to select, use, and maintain extinguishers using the latest requirements in the most up-to-date edition of NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. You can depend on this important standard for current, comprehensive rules for the distribution, placement, operation, and inspection of portable fire extinguishers, as well as for their testing and recharging.
Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis lautet: $113.04.