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Über dieses Produkt
NFPA 475 prescribes fire safety and life safety measures to deal with hazardous materials risks.
Halifax, 1917. Three Mile Island, 1979. Bhopal, 1984. Guadalajara, 1992. Beirut, 2020. The existence of hazardous materials requires NFPA 475, Recommended Practice for Organizing, Managing, and Sustaining a Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Response Program. In industrial and technology-based countries, hazardous materials are a significant source of concern due to the potential for risk to people and the environment.
Unique in the field, NFPA 475 provides the minimum criteria for organizing, managing, and sustaining a Hazardous Materials Response Program (HMRP) based on the authority having jurisdiction’s (AHJ’s) function and assessed level of risk.
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