$113.04 - $813.89

This standard presents requirements for organizing, operating, training, and equipping industrial fire brigades. It also contains requirements for the occupational safety and health of industrial fire brigade members while performing fire fighting and related activities


The 2025 edition of NFPA 600, Standard on Facility Fire Brigades, features clarifications to the limits of incipient level facility fire brigades to account for the use of fixed master streams while not being in the hot or warm zones. Additionally, reference has been made to NFPA 1550 for industry best practices with exposure control and mental health awareness.


NFPA® 600 Standard on Facility Fire Brigades 2025 Edition
Kapitel 1 Verwaltung
1.1 Anwendungsbereich.
1.2 Zweck.
1.3 Anwendung.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 Units and Formulas.
Kapitel 2 Referenzierte Veröffentlichungen
2.1 Allgemeines.
2.2 NFPA-Veröffentlichungen.
2.3 Sonstige Veröffentlichungen.
2.4 Verweise auf Auszüge in obligatorischen Abschnitten.
Kapitel 3 Begriffsbestimmungen
3.1 Allgemeines.
3.2 Offizielle Definitionen der NFPA.
3.3 Allgemeine Definitionen.
Chapter 4 Facility Fire Brigade Fundamentals
4.1 General.
4.2 Organization and Administration.
4.3 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
4.4 Incident Management System (IMS).
4.5 Risk Management Policy.
4.6 Training and Education.
4.7 Drills.
4.8 Training and Drill Records.
4.9 Responsibilities in the Facility Fire Brigade Organization.
4.10 Medical and Job-Related Physical Requirements.
4.11 Facility Fire Brigade Equipment.
4.12 Facility Fire Brigade Apparatus.
Chapter 5 Facility Fire Brigades That Perform Incipient Stage Firefighting
5.1 Allgemeines.
5.2 Limits for Facility Fire Brigades Assigned Incipient Firefighting Response Duties.
5.3 Education, Training, and Drills.
5.4 Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment.
5.5 Medical.
Chapter 6 Facility Fire Brigades That Perform Advanced Exterior or Interior Structural Firefighting
6.1 Allgemeines.
6.2 Limits of Facility Fire Brigades Assigned Both Advanced Exterior and Interior Structural Firefighting Response Duties.
6.3 Operational Requirements.
6.4 Education, Training, and Drills.
6.5 Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment.
6.6 Medical.
Anhang A Erläuterndes Material
Annex B Informational References

Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis lautet: $113.04.
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Über dieses Produkt

Reference the latest requirements to help support safer and more effective operation of facility fire brigades.

A primary concern of the facility fire protection industry is safeguarding people and property in the workplace from fire-related occupational dangers. NFPA 600, Standard on Facility Fire Brigades, helps ensure facility fire brigades responsible for preventing and responding to hazards and conditions existing within a particular facility are organized and prepared to deal with protection challenges in all types of environments.

The standard offers comprehensive criteria for organizing, operating, training, and equipping fire brigades in both industrial and non-industrial settings. NFPA 600 also specifies provisions for the health and safety of brigade members and any other dedicated groups of personnel responsible for responding to fires within a facility.

Content covers performing incipient stage and advanced exterior and interior structural fire fighting and other fire brigade fundamentals, such as:

  • Standard operating procedures
  • Drills and education
  • Risk management policies
  • Incident management systems
  • Organization-wide responsibilities
  • Brigade equipment and apparatus
  • Medical and physical job requirements
  • Personal protective equipment
Der ursprüngliche Preis war: $157.00.Der aktuelle Preis lautet: $113.04.