NFPA 485: Standard for the Storage, Handling, Processing, and Use of Lithium Metal provides requirements to prevent fires and explosions associated with lithium storage, handling, and processing. The standard also presents requirements for how both the fire service and plant personnel should respond to a lithium fire. (12 pp., 1999)
1999 Table of Contents
NFPA 485 Standard for the Storage, Handling, Processing, and Use of Lithium Metal 1999 Edition
Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 General Precautions
Chapter 3 Building Construction
Chapter 4 Handling or Processing of Solid or Molten Lithium
Chapter 5 Storage of Solid or Molten Lithium
Chapter 6 Fire Protection
Chapter 7 Personal Protective Equipment for Molten and Solid Lithium Handling Operations
Chapter 8 Referenced Publications
Appendix A Explanatory Material
Appendix B Referenced Publications
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