$113.04 - $813.89

This guide describes the command, communication, and coordination elements of an airport/community emergency plan (AEP) that require consideration before, during, and after an emergency has occurred to provide effective delivery of emergency services. Please note: As part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council, this Standard has been combined into new consolidated Standard NFPA 440. As a result of this action, the “current edition” of NFPA 424 shown on this page is the last published edition of the standard’s content as a stand-alone standard. For further information and text of the current consolidated Standard, go to NFPA 440.

2018 Table of Contents

NFPA® 424 Guide for Airport/Community Emergency Planning 2018 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Advisory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Elements of Emergency Planning
4.1 General.
4.2 Types of Emergencies and Emergency Alerts.
4.3 Essential Elements of the AEP.
Chapter 5 Agencies Involved
5.1 Agencies.
5.2 ATC Services.
5.3 ARFF Services (Departments).
5.4 Police/Security Services.
5.5 Airport Operator.
5.6 On-Scene Medical Services.
5.7 Hospitals.
5.8 Aircraft Operators.
5.9 Government Agencies.
5.10 Communication Services.
5.11 Airport Tenants.
5.12 Transportation Authorities (Land, Sea, Air).
5.13 Rescue Coordination Center.
5.14 Civil Defense.
5.15 Mutual Aid Agencies.
5.16 Harbor Patrol and Coast Guard.
5.17 Military.
5.18 Clergy.
5.19 Public Information Officer (PIO).
5.20 Mental Health Agencies.
5.21 Customs.
5.22 Public Utilities.
5.23 Post Office.
5.24 Veterinary Service.
5.25 Coroner.
5.26 Volunteer Organizations.
5.27 Additional Support Services.
Chapter 6 Functions of Each Agency for an Aircraft Accident On-Airport
6.1 General.
6.2 Action by ATC Services.
6.3 Action by Aircraft Rescue and Fire-Fighting Services.
6.4 Action by Police/Security Services.
6.5 Action by Airport Operator.
6.6 Action by Medical Services.
6.7 Action by Hospitals.
6.8 Action by Aircraft Operators.
6.9 Action by Government Agencies.
6.10 Action by the PIO.
6.11 Organization Charts.
Chapter 7 Functions of Each Agency for an Aircraft Accident Off-Airport
7.1 General.
7.2 Action by ATC Services.
7.3 Action by ARFF Services.
7.4 Action by Police/Security Services.
7.5 Action by Emergency Medical Services.
7.6 Action by Hospitals.
7.7 Action by Airport Operator.
7.8 Action by Aircraft Operators.
7.9 Action by Government Agencies.
7.10 Action by the PIO.
Chapter 8 Airborne Emergencies
8.1 Full Emergency Incident � Aircraft in Flight.
8.2 Local Standby.
Chapter 9 Other Emergencies
9.1 General.
9.2 Sample Notification Charts.
Chapter 10 Emergency Operations Center and Mobile Command Post
10.1 General.
10.2 Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
10.3 Mobile Command Post.
Chapter 11 Communications
11.1 Communications Network.
11.2 Communications Equipment.
11.3 Testing and Verification.
Chapter 12 Command and Coordination for the AEP
12.1 General.
12.2 ICS.
Chapter 13 Emergency Medical Care
13.1 Basis of Recommendations.
13.2 Emergency Medical Training of Airport Personnel.
13.3 Airport Emergency Medical Supplies and Equipment.
13.4 Airport Medical Service.
13.5 Immediate Need for Care of Injured in Aircraft Accidents
13.6 Standardized Casualty ID Tags.
13.7 Care Principles.
13.8 Control of the Flow of the Injured.
13.9 Medical Care of Ambulatory Survivors.
Chapter 14 Care of Fatalities
14.1 Care Prior to Site Investigation.
14.2 Care after Site Examination.
Chapter 15 AEP Exercise
15.1 Emergency Plan Exercise.
15.2 Need for and Types of AEP Drills.
15.3 Planning for Full-Scale Emergency Exercises.
15.4 Review of the Airport Emergency Plan Drill.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Table for International Aircraft Markings
Annex C Outline of an AEP
Annex D Types of Alerts
Annex E Responsibilities of Aircraft Operations Personnel Following an Aircraft Accident
Annex F Aircraft Accidents in the Water
Annex G Airport Medical Services
Annex H Informational References

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Reduce risks to public safety with NFPA 424, Airport/Community Emergency Planning. Follow the latest recommendations on how to plan for emergencies using personnel from all concerned agencies, and how to establish adequate emergency training programs.

Close proximity of an airport to surrounding communities and the possibility of an off-airport aircraft incident give rise to the need for mutual aid emergency agreements as part of any community’s emergency plan. NFPA 424, Guide for Airport/Community Emergency Planning describes elements that require consideration before, during, and after an emergency has occurred, including command, communication, and coordination functions.

This best-practice document outlines commonly used practices in the airport rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) community. It incorporates NIMS terminology and NIMS positions, and features photos, tables, charts, and artwork reflecting what is commonly used in the industry today. It also identifies the need to include as many available resources that are at the disposal of the incident commander and to ensure the coordination with local medical facilities.

Changes bring NFPA 424 current with the field:

  • Revised language includes contact information for outside responding resources, triage, and medical care.
  • Added language covers written agreements with outside responding resources.
  • Updated referenced publications and definitions help ensure your agency is on top of related NFPA® codes and standards and other regulations.

The 2018 NFPA 424 is a valuable tool for departments that provide ARFF Services at airports as well as fire departments that might be used as a mutual aid department in the event of an aircraft accident/incident. (Print, 64, 2018)

Първоначалната цена беше: $157.00.Текущата цена е: $113.04.