The 2022 edition provides both a reorganization of existing content as well as the inclusion of new requirements to help you manage risk and ensure adequate fire protection.
References to other NFPA® documents have been added to account for previously unaddressed structures and their requirements.
Following a careful review of a number of fire events over the last several years, revisions have been made to Chapter 4, General Requirements, such as:
New and existing content has been grouped together for ease of use for the reader.
Requirements related to the Fire Prevention Program have been significantly revised.
The Fire Prevention Program Manager requirements have been updated.
Chapter 8, Safeguarding Construction and Alteration Operations, includes new references to:
NFPA 909, Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties—Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship
NFPA 914, Code for the Protection of Historic Structures
A new chapter, Chapter 13, Safeguarding Construction Operations for Large Wood Structures, has been added with requirements that were not covered in previous editions.
Other chapters in NFPA 241 also saw extensive revision.
Table of Contents
NFPA® 241 Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations 2022 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 Units and Formulas.
1.6 Enforcement.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 General Requirements
4.1 Owner’s Responsibility for Fire Protection.
4.2 Fire Prevention Program.
4.3 Fire Protection.
4.4 Means of Egress.
4.5 Notification and Emergency Reporting.
4.6 Fire Alarm Systems.
4.7 Standpipes.
4.8 Hydrants.
4.9 Fire Detection and Alarms.
4.10 First-Aid Fire-Fighting Equipment.
4.11 Temporary Protection During Construction, Alteration, or Demolition.
4.12 Access for Fire Fighting.
4.13 Construction Materials for Enclosures and Fire Separation.
4.14 Installation, Testing, and Maintenance.
4.15 Fire Protection Markings.
Chapter 5 Temporary Construction, Equipment, and Storage
5.1 Application.
5.2 Temporary Offices and Sheds.
5.3 Temporary Enclosures.
5.4 Equipment.
Chapter 6 Utilities
6.1 Electrical.
6.2 Fuel Gas.
6.3 Water Supply.
6.4 Permanent Heating Equipment.
6.5 Natural Gas.
Chapter 7 Processes and Hazards
7.1 Hot Work.
7.2 Thermit Welding.
7.3 Heating and Cooling Equipment Used During Construction, Alteration, or Demolition.
7.4 Smoking.
7.5 Waste Disposal.
7.6 Construction Material and Equipment Storage.
7.7 Scaffolding, Shoring, and Forms.
7.8 Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Flammable Gases.
7.9 Explosive Materials.
7.10 Cooking.
7.11 Asbestos.
Chapter 8 Safeguarding Construction and Alteration Operations
8.1 General.
8.2 Cultural Resource Properties.
8.3 Historic Structures.
8.4 Impairments.
Chapter 9 Safeguarding Demolition Operations
9.1 General.
9.2 Special Precautions.
9.3 Heating and Cooling Equipment.
9.4 Smoking.
9.5 Demolition Using Explosives.
9.6 Utilities.
9.7 Fire Cutoffs.
9.8 Fire Protection During Demolition.
Chapter 10 Safeguarding Roofing Operations
10.1 General.
10.2 Asphalt and Tar Kettles.
10.3 Single-Ply and Torch-Applied Roofing Systems.
10.4 Fire Extinguishers for Roofing Operations.
10.5 Fuel for Roofing Operations.
Chapter 11 Safeguarding Underground Operations
11.1 General.
11.2 Emergency Procedures.
11.3 Fire Detection, Protection, and Communications Systems.
11.4 Electrical.
11.5 Hazardous Operations and Procedures.
11.6 Storage.
11.7 Equipment.
11.8 Standpipe Installations in Tunnels Under Construction.
Chapter 12 Safeguarding Construction Operations for Tall Mass Timber Wood Structures
12.1 General.
12.2 Roofing Operations.
12.3 Fire Exposure Analysis.
12.4 Wood Structural Panels.
12.5 Site Security.
12.6 Water Mains, Standpipes, Hydrants, and Fire Department Connections.
12.7 Fire Protection Systems.
12.8 Hot Work.
12.9 Temporary Heat.
12.10 Temporary Lighting.
Chapter 13 Safeguarding Construction Operations for Large Wood Frame Structures
13.1 General.
13.2 Roofing Operations.
13.3 Fire Exposure Analysis.
13.4 Site Security.
13.5 Water Mains, Standpipes, Hydrants, and Fire Department Connections.
13.6 Fire Protection Systems.
13.7 Hot Work.
13.8 Temporary Heat.
13.9 Temporary Lighting.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Informational References
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