
Created for electrical installers, contractors, electricians, inspectors, and builders who specialize in residential wiring, this document is a compilation of electrical provisions for one- and two-family dwellings that have been excerpted from the National Electrical Code®. Provisions have the same numerical designation as they have in the NEC.

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Get convenient access to the latest NEC® facts for residential projects!

Created for electrical installers, contractors, and electricians who specialize in residential wiring, this document presents dwelling unit rules excerpted from the 2005 National Electrical Code®.

Organized just like the NEC, NFPA 70A contains only rules for residential projects and covers single- and two-family dwellings of any kind, including mobile homes.

Topics include:

  • Grounded conductors
  • Branch circuits
  • Feeders
  • Services
  • Overcurrent protection
  • Grounding
  • Surge arresters
  • Wiring methods

Work smart and make sure your jobs are up-to-code. Order today. (Print, 231 pp., 2005)


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