
NFPA 251 was withdrawn in Fall 2010. Material found in ASTM E119 and UL 263.

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Make sure construction methods and materials pass the test!

NFPA 251: Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials specifies methods for determining the fire-resistive abilities of building members and assemblies, including tests of:

  • Bearing and nonbearing walls and partitions
  • Columns
  • Floor and roof assemblies
  • Loaded restrained beams
  • Performance of protective membranes in wall, partition, floor, or roof assemblies

Improved for better application and performance!

Technical revisions include the addition of definitions of fire resistance and fire resistance rating, and modifications to the hose stream test requirements. The document also complies with NFPA®‘s Manual of Style. (Print, 29 pp., 2006)


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