
NFPA 230 was withdrawn in Annual 2005 and incorporated into NFPA 1.

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Protect storage facilities with this one-stop source for fire safety rules!

Reformatted for consistency and easier reference, this comprehensive document provides detailed information about the fire protection of storage facilities. It’s your source for all the non-sprinkler-related requirements formerly found in other documents including NFPA 46: Storage of Forest Products, NFPA 231: General Storage, NFPA 231C: Rack Storage of Materials, NFPA 231D: Storage of Rubber Tires, NFPA 231E: Recommended Practice for the Storage of Baled Cotton, and NFPA 231F: Storage of Roll Paper.

The 2003 edition includes expanded requirements affecting Outside Forest Product Storage. For rules pertaining to automatic sprinkler systems, see NFPA 13: Installation of Sprinkler Systems. (Print, 61 pp., 2003)


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