
Please note: As part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council, this Standard has been combined into new consolidated Standard NFPA 1930. As a result of this action, the “current edition” of NFPA 1802 shown on this page is the last published edition of the standard’s content as a stand-alone standard. For further information and text of the current consolidated Standard, go to NFPA 1930.

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Help ensure fire safety and the functionality of two-way, portable RF communications devices with the new NFPA 1802, Standard on Two-Way, Portable RF Voice Communications Devices for Use by Emergency Services Personnel in the Hazard Zone.

In a fire emergency, professionals need portable radios to communicate effectively; however, the equipment can face damage and inoperability when exposed to heat from the fire. NFPA 1802, Standard on Two-Way, Portable RF Voice Communications Devices for Use by Emergency Services Personnel in the Hazard Zone, is a new standard that addresses the performance, testing, and certification of two-way, portable land mobile radios (LMR) for use by emergency services personnel (ESP).

NFPA 1802 establishes requirements for portable communications equipment used in the hazard zone.

This new standard identifies the following:

  • Operating environment parameters of RF voice communications devices (RF devices) and remote speaker microphones (RSMs)
  • Minimum requirements for the design, performance, testing, and certification of RF devices and RSMs

The loss of communication during a fire emergency can be fatal for firefighters, paramedics, emergency services personnel, and the public. Professionals can utilize NFPA 1802 to ensure fire safety and the functionality of RF devices and RSMs in harsh firefighting environments.

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