
Developed at the request of and in cooperation with the United States Coast Guard, this guide identifies the elements of a comprehensive marine fire-fighting response program for land based fire fighters responding to the unique challenges of fighting fires on vessels and enable land-based fire fighters to extinguish such fires safely and efficiently. Please note: This Standard is in a custom cycle due to the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council. For revision cycle information, see the Next Edition tab.

2020 Table of Contents

NFPA® 1405 Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments That Respond to Marine Vessel Fires 2020 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose. (Reserved)
1.3 General Information.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Advisory Sections. (Reserved)
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Marine Environment
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Tides and Currents.
4.3 Weather.
4.4 Vessel Traffic.
4.5 Channels and Navigation.
4.6 Designated Fire-Fighting Anchorage and Piers.
4.7 Bottom Conditions.
4.8 Marine Terminal Types.
4.9 Piers and Wharves.
4.10 Shipyards and Dry Docks.
4.11 Moorings.
4.12 Cranes.
4.13 Shoreside Fixed Fire-Fighting Equipment.
4.14 Shore Connections.
Chapter 5 Vessel Familiarization
5.1 Ship Construction.
5.2 Interior Arrangements.
5.3 Types of Ships.
5.4 Ship Personnel.
5.5 Shipboard Fixed Systems.
5.6 Ship’s Operating Systems.
Chapter 6 Vessel Stability
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Vessel Stability and Equilibrium.
6.3 Typical Vessel Conditions.
6.4 Center of Gravity.
6.5 Center of Buoyancy.
6.6 Righting Arm.
6.7 Metacentric Height.
6.8 Stability Curves.
6.9 Vessel Stability Concerns.
6.10 Basic Stability Information and Resources.
6.11 Dewatering.
6.12 Stability Analysis and Monitoring.
6.13 Stability Tactics.
Chapter 7 Organizational Resources
7.1 Vessel Owners and Operators.
7.2 Marine Terminal Owner or Operator.
7.3 Terminal Fire Brigades.
7.4 Shipping Agents.
7.5 Pilots.
7.6 Port Authorities.
7.7 Tug, Towing, and Barge Companies.
7.8 Fire-Fighting Agent Supplies.
7.9 Cargo Handlers.
7.10 Marine Construction Companies.
7.11 Marine Chemists.
7.12 Marine Surveyors.
7.13 Marine Salvage Companies/Salvors.
7.14 Law Enforcement Agencies in the United States.
7.15 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
7.16 Military Installations.
7.17 Divers.
7.18 Launch Services.
7.19 Ship Chandler.
7.20 Foreign Consulates and Language Schools and Cell Phone Translation Applications.
7.21 Other Organizational Resources.
Chapter 8 Special Resource Considerations
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Support Vessels.
8.3 Special Equipment Resources.
Chapter 9 Planning
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Contents of Plan.
9.3 Location of Plan.
9.4 Requirements.
9.5 Pre-Fire Planning.
9.6 Purpose of Pre-Fire Plan.
9.7 Format.
9.8 Conducting Pre-Fire Surveys.
Chapter 10 Training
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Training Exercises.
10.3 Advanced Fire Fighting — Marine Training.
10.4 Personnel Safety.
Chapter 11 Communications
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Pre-Fire Planning.
11.3 Terminology.
11.4 Procedures.
11.5 Fixed Communications Systems for Ships.
11.6 Communications Logistics.
11.7 Communications Inhibitors.
11.8 Miscellaneous Considerations.
Chapter 12 Strategy and Tactics
12.1 Introduction.
12.2 Offensive Strategy.
12.3 Defensive Strategy.
12.4 General Tactics.
12.5 Forward Compartments.
12.6 Aft Compartments.
12.7 Pump Room Fires.
12.8 Tanker Deck Fires.
12.9 Tank Fires.
12.10 Engine Room Fires.
12.11 Electrical Room Fires.
12.12 Chemical Tanker Fires.
12.13 Fires in Holds.
12.14 Machinery Room Fires.
12.15 Accommodation and Berthing Space Fires.
12.16 Gas Ship Fires.
Chapter 13 Incident Management System
13.1 NIMS.
13.2 Size-up.
13.3 Staging.
13.4 Command Post.
13.5 Operations.
13.6 Logistics.
13.7 Manageable Units.
13.8 Planning.
13.9 Emergency Medical System.
13.10 Miscellaneous.
Chapter 14 Role of the U.S. Coast Guard
14.1 Legal Responsibility of U.S. Coast Guard.
14.2 Available Resources.
14.3 Personnel.
14.4 Equipment and Supplies.
14.5 Equipment Limitations.
14.6 Training.
14.7 Contingency Plan.
14.8 Fire Fighters and the Vessel Master.
14.9 Fire Fighters and the Coast Guard.
14.10 USCG Sector.
14.11 Jurisdiction.
Chapter 15 Problems Associated with Marine Fire Fighting
15.1 Press and Media Relations.
15.2 Hazardous Materials.
15.3 Pollution Considerations.
15.4 Language Barriers.
15.5 Vessel Movement.
Chapter 16 Post-Incident Activities
16.1 Vessel Disposition.
16.2 Fire Watch.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Pre-Fire Survey Guide
Annex C Sample Vessel Fire Checklist
Annex D Symbols for Use on Fire Control Plans
Annex E Informational References

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.
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About This Product

Provide your department with the information and guidance to give personnel the training required to extinguish marine vessel fires effectively.

There are significant hazards and challenges unique to fighting fires on vessels. Originally created at the request of and in cooperation with the United States Coast Guard, NFPA 1405, Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments That Respond to Marine Vessel Fires, delivers a comprehensive document offering assistance and support in developing the necessary tactics and strategies for adequately handling these specialized operations.

The guide covers the primary components of a marine fire-fighting response program ranging from pre-fire planning, training, and vessel familiarization and stability to communications and incident management, special hazards, and post-incident activities. You get the latest criteria and practices contributed from experts on the subject of shipboard fire fighting along with supportive and explanatory information, including:

  • Referenced publications
  • General and official definitions
  • Elements of marine environments
  • Symbols used on fire control plans
  • Pre-fire survey guide
  • Sample vessel fire checklist and more

The 2020 edition of the guide is updated to account for the most current marine vessel on-board fire hazards and modern land-based fire service capabilities.

NFPA 1405 is the go-to source for establishing an exhaustive fire-response program for incidents on vessels calling on U.S. ports or that apply to the Safety of Life at Sea international maritime treaty. The document was reviewed and revised to better align with the NFPA® Manual of Style and features updated references and extracted material. The Technical Committee on Fire Service Training also made extensive edits to be in coordination with current U.S. Coast Guard regulations based on recent organizational changes and existing guidelines.

Give fire chiefs and commanders the information required to plan for and conduct marine fire-fighting operations with confidence.

When land-based fire departments have marine emergencies that fall under their jurisdiction, it’s crucial to have the knowledge and training to get the job done safely and efficiently. Help make sure your personnel is ready for every call by referencing NFPA 1405, Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments That Respond to Marine Vessel Fires, 2020 edition.

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $113.04.