
This document advances fire safety by establishing test protocols to measure how well window and glass block assemblies prevent or slow the spread of fire, providing a standardized method for comparing the relative performance of different fire window assemblies.

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Help confirm window and glass block assemblies adequately prevent or slow the spread of fire by following the latest NFPA 257 criteria.

It is vital that openings in fire-rated walls such as windows, glass blocks, and other light-transmitting assemblies are capable of performing as intended to provide an adequate level of protection. NFPA 257, Standard on Fire Test for Window and Glass Block Assemblies, offers complete criteria for conducting fire and hose stream tests to help ensure these types of assemblies won’t contribute to fire spread.

A must-have for manufacturers and testing laboratories, NFPA 257 intends to improve fire protection and building and life safety by providing standardized protocols for calculating the effectiveness of fire windows and glass block assemblies. The document also establishes procedures for comparing the performances of various types of fire window openings.

NFPA 257 covers the following subjects:

  • Control of fire test temperature-time curve, furnace temperatures, and furnace pressure
  • Fire window assembly construction and size, mounting, and test wall
  • Conducting of fire tests and hose stream tests
  • Performance criteria for fire tests and hose stream tests
  • Reporting requirements and supportive annex material

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