$113.04 - $813.89

This recommended practice outlines fire safety recommendations for gas, oil, coal, and alternative fuel electric generating plants, including high voltage direct current converter stations and combustion turbine units used for electric generation. Note: NFPA 850 moved from Fall 2024 to the Fall 2025 revision cycle and has been approved by the Standards Council to reopen for Public Input. This approval allows the technical committee time for task group work to draft inputs proposing to amend NFPA 850 from a recommended practice to a standard during the upcoming revision cycle.

2020 Table of Contents

NFPA® 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations 2020 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Equivalency.
1.5 Units.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Recommendations Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Fire Protection Design Process
4.1 General.
4.2 Stakeholders.
4.3 Inputs to the Design Process.
4.4 Fire Protection Design Basis Process.
4.5 Fire Protection Design Basis Document (Deliverables).
Chapter 5 Fire Risk Control Program
5.1 General.
5.2 Management Policy and Direction.
5.3 Fire Risk Control Program.
5.4 Fire Protection Program.
5.5 Identification of Fire Hazards of Materials.
Chapter 6 General Plant Design
6.1 Plant Arrangement.
6.2 Life Safety.
6.3 Building Construction Materials.
6.4 Smoke and Heat Venting, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning.
6.5 Containment and Drainage.
6.6 Emergency Lighting.
6.7 Lightning Protection.
Chapter 7 General Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
7.1 General.
7.2 Water Supply.
7.3 Valve Supervision.
7.4 Supply Mains, Yard Mains, Hydrants, and Building Standpipes.
7.5 Portable Fire Extinguishers.
7.6 Fire Suppression Systems and Equipment — General Requirements.
7.7 Fire-Signaling Systems.
7.8 Commissioning and Maintenance.
Chapter 8 Fire Protection for the Construction Site
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Administration.
8.3 Site Clearing, Excavation, Tunneling, and Construction Equipment.
8.4 Construction Warehouses, Shops, and Offices.
8.5 Construction Site Lay-Down Areas.
8.6 Temporary Construction Materials.
8.7 Underground Mains, Hydrants, and Water Supplies.
8.8 Manual Fire-Fighting Equipment.
Chapter 9 Fuels, Common Equipment, and Protection
9.1 General.
9.2 Flammable Gases.
9.3 Combustible Liquids.
9.4 Flammable Liquids.
9.5 Solid Fuels.
9.6 Hydraulic Control System.
9.7 Electrical Equipment.
9.8 Storage Rooms, Offices, and Shops.
9.9 Oil Storage Areas.
9.10 Warehouses.
9.11 Fire Pumps.
9.12 Cooling Towers.
9.13 Auxiliary Boilers.
9.14 Vehicle Repair Facilities.
9.15 Air Compressors.
Chapter 10 Turbines, Generators, and Internal Combustion Engines
10.1 General.
10.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 9.
10.3 Turbine and Internal Combustion Engine Generators.
10.4 Combined Cycle Units.
Chapter 11 Alternative Fuels
11.1 General.
11.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
11.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
11.4 Risk Considerations for MSW.
11.5 Risk Considerations for RDF.
11.6 Risk Considerations for Biomass Fuels.
11.7 Risk Considerations for Tire Derived Fuels.
11.8 Other Alternative Fuels and Processes.
Chapter 12 Power Boilers
12.1 General.
12.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 11.
12.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
Chapter 13 Wind Turbines
13.1 General.
13.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
13.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
13.4 Risk Consideration.
13.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 14 Solar Generation
14.1 General.
14.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
14.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
14.4 Risk Considerations.
14.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 15 Geothermal Generation
15.1 General.
15.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
15.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
15.4 Risk Considerations.
15.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 16 Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (IGCC)
16.1 General.
16.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
16.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
16.4 Risk Considerations.
16.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 17 Hydroelectric Generation
17.1 General.
17.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
17.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
17.4 Risk Considerations. (Reserved)
17.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 18 High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Converter Stations
18.1 General.
18.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 9.
18.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
18.4 Risk Considerations.
18.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 19 Flywheel Energy Systems
19.1 General.
19.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
19.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
19.4 Risk Consideration.
19.5 Hazard Protection.
Chapter 20 Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
20.1 General.
20.2 Application of Chapters 4 Through 10.
20.3 Design and Equipment Arrangement.
20.4 Risk Consideration.
20.5 Hazard Protection.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Sample Fire Report
Annex C Fire Tests
Annex D Loss Experience
Annex E Fire Protection Design Basis Document
Annex F Informational References

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.
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Help mitigate risks of fire and explosion in electric generating plants by complying with the latest recommended safety practices.

There are special concerns for fire and life safety in plants and facilities that produce or convert the current of electricity. NFPA® 850, Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations, 2020 edition, is an essential resource for assisting in maximizing the safety of personnel, facilities, and the community at large. Criteria apply to new and existing oil, gas, coal, and alternative fuel electrical generating plants, including high voltage direct current converter stations and combustion turbine units used for electric generation.

The document provides the framework for creating a Fire Protection Design Basis Document that takes into account potential risks to the particular facility, including flammable liquids, fuels, lubricating oils, dust explosions, and electrical equipment. NFPA 850 also covers the protection and continuity of installations and personnel, systems and components, and plant operations.

The NFPA 850, 2020 edition, provides access to cutting-edge criteria for fire prevention and protection of plants generating electricity.

Developed to provide a document specifying fire protection measures for all types of non-nuclear electric generating plants, the revised NFPA 850 reflects the most current industry knowledge and best practices.

Significant changes to the 2020 edition include:

  • Complete reorganization of the document for accuracy and clarity
  • Grouping of information in a more logical layout to assist users in navigating the document faster and more efficiently
  • Addition of new chapters on flywheel energy systems and compressed air energy storage (CAES) to address technologies being used in the industry

Get the support you need to help identify and reduce risks to lives and property in electrical generating plants.

NFPA 850, Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations, is a must-have for facility managers, designers, installers, inspectors, and authorities having jurisdiction. Assist in avoiding downtime, damages, and loss and in increasing safety and productivity by ordering your copy of the 2020 edition.

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.