$113.04 - $904.32

Developed at the request of the United States Coast Guard (USCG), NFPA 301 addresses the construction, arrangement, protection, and space utilization factors on merchant vessels necessary to minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes, or panic.


Important updates in the 2023 edition of NFPA 301 are essential for naval architects, vessel owners, and enforcers. The latest edition:
Requires that Group IV (small) passenger vessels with overnight accommodation, regardless of when they were constructed, have interconnected smoke detectors in all accommodation spaces that alarm throughout all accommodation spaces of the vessel
Includes requirements that fire detection and alarm systems on vessels are maintained and tested in accordance with NFPA 72®, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code®, in its entirety rather than specific chapters in that standard
Requires that exit locations are unobstructed and accessible at all times
Incorporates the requirements in IMO Assembly Resolution A.1116 (30), Escape Route Signs and Equipment Location Markings
Permits the use of symbols in addition to or in lieu of words on exit signage
Requires hybrid fire extinguishing systems to be listed, designed, and installed in accordance with NFPA 770, Standard on Hybrid (Water and Inert Gas) Fire-Extinguishing Systems
Includes revised requirements pertaining to fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) to eliminate the possibility of confusion when this material is used for construction of the hull or other vessel components

Table of Contents

NFPA® 301 Code for Safety to Life from Fire on Merchant Vessels 2023 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope.
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Equivalency Concepts.
1.5 Units.
1.6 Vessel Construction, Repair, and Alteration.
1.7 Maintenance.
1.8 Enforcement.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
3.4 Space Definitions.
3.5 Special Definitions for Terms Used in Chapter 5.
Chapter 4 Fundamental Requirements
4.1 Fundamentals.
4.2 Fundamentals of Means of Egress.
4.3 Fundamentals of Construction.
4.4 Fundamentals of Illumination.
4.5 Fundamentals of Alarms.
4.6 Life Safety Compliance Options.
Chapter 5 Performance-Based Option
5.1 General Requirements.
5.2 Performance Criteria.
5.3 Retained Prescriptive Requirements.
5.4 Design Specifications and Other Conditions.
5.5 Design Fire Scenarios.
5.6 Evaluation of Proposed Designs.
5.7 Safety Factors.
5.8 Documentation Requirements.
Chapter 6 Classification of Occupancy and Hazard of Contents
6.1 Classification of Occupancy.
Chapter 7 Means of Egress
7.1 General.
7.2 Means of Egress Components.
7.3 Capacity of Means of Egress.
7.4 Number of Separate Means of Egress.
7.5 Arrangement of Means of Egress.
7.6 Measurement of Travel Distance to Exits.
7.7 Discharge from Exits.
7.8 Illumination of Means of Egress.
7.9 Emergency Lighting.
7.10 Marking of Means of Egress.
7.11 Low-Location Lighting.
Chapter 8 Features of Fire Protection
8.1 General.
8.2 Construction and Compartmentation.
8.3 Interior Finish.
8.4 Furnishings.
8.5 Fire Safety Requirements of Electrical and Fiber Optic Wires and Cables.
Chapter 9 Vessel Services and Fire Detection and Protection Equipment
9.1 Fire Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems.
9.2 Fire Protection Systems and Equipment.
9.3 Firefighter Protective Clothing, SCBA Equipment, and Fire Control Plans.
9.4 Ventilation.
9.5 Elevators, Escalators, Dumbwaiters, and Other Transfer Devices.
9.6 General Requirements for Electrical Equipment.
9.7 Fixed Electric Heating Equipment for Pipelines, Vessels, De-icing, and Snow Melting.
Chapter 10 Accommodation Spaces
10.1 General Requirements.
10.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
10.3 Protection.
Chapter 11 Medical, Health Care, and Child Care Spaces
11.1 General Requirements.
11.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
11.3 Protection.
11.4 Vessel Services.
Chapter 12 Service Spaces
12.1 General Requirements.
12.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
12.3 Protection.
Chapter 13 Electrical and Control Spaces
13.1 General Requirements.
13.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
13.3 Protection.
Chapter 14 Engineering and Machinery Spaces
14.1 General Requirements.
14.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
14.3 Protection.
14.4 Vessel Services.
14.5 Compartmentation.
14.6 Pressurized Oil Systems.
14.7 Ventilation Systems.
14.8 Hot Surfaces.
14.9 Bilges.
14.10 Incinerator Spaces.
14.11 Portable Extinguishers.
Chapter 15 Storage Spaces
15.1 General Requirements.
15.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
15.3 Protection.
15.4 Special Provisions for High-Risk Fuels Storage.
Chapter 16 Cargo Spaces and Fuel Tanks
16.1 General Requirements.
16.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
16.3 Protection.
16.4 Refrigerated Cargo Holds.
Chapter 17 Open Decks
17.1 General Requirements.
17.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
17.3 Special Considerations for Open Decks Intended for Storage of Ship’s Stores.
Chapter 18 Helicopter Decks
18.1 General Requirements.
18.2 Means of Egress Requirements.
18.3 Protection.
Chapter 19 Towing Vessels
19.1 General Requirements.
19.2 Means of Egress.
19.3 Protection. (Reserved)
19.4 Accommodation Spaces.
19.5 Medical, Health Care, and Child Care Spaces.
19.6 Service Spaces.
19.7 Electrical and Control Spaces.
19.8 Engineering and Machinery Spaces.
19.9 Storage Spaces.
19.10 Fuel Tanks.
19.11 Open Decks.
19.12 Helicopter Decks.
19.13 Vessel Services.
Chapter 20 Cargo and Tank Vessels
20.1 General Requirements.
20.2 Means of Egress.
20.3 Protection.
20.4 Accommodation Spaces.
20.5 Medical Spaces.
20.6 Service Spaces.
20.7 Electrical and Control Spaces.
20.8 Engineering and Machinery Spaces.
20.9 Storage Spaces.
20.10 Cargo Spaces and Fuel Tanks.
20.11 Open Decks.
20.12 Helicopter Decks.
20.13 Vessel Services.
Chapter 21 Passenger Vessels
21.1 General Requirements.
21.2 Means of Egress.
21.3 Protection.
21.4 Accommodation Spaces.
21.5 Medical, Health Care, and Child Care Spaces.
21.6 Service Spaces.
21.7 Electrical and Control Spaces.
21.8 Engineering and Machinery Spaces.
21.9 Storage Spaces.
21.10 Cargo Spaces and Fuel Tanks.
21.11 Open Decks.
21.12 Helicopter Decks.
21.13 Vessel Services.
21.14 Group V Passenger Vessels.
21.15 Group IV Passenger Vessels.
Chapter 22 Reserved
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Ventilation Guidelines
Annex C Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 301
Annex D Informational References

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.
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Stay up to code on merchant vessel safety with NFPA 301, Code for Safety to Life from Fire on Merchant Vessels.

Originally developed at the request of the United States Coast Guard, NFPA 301, Code for Safety to Life from Fire on Merchant Vessels, provides minimum requirements, with due regard to function, for the design, operation, and maintenance of merchant vessels for safety to life from fire and similar emergencies. Patterned after NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code®, it provides requirements for various types of merchant vessels.

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.