$113.04 - $610.42

This code provides requirements for safe operation of high power rockets to protect the user and the public from associated hazards that could cause deaths and injuries. Application includes use in conjunction with education, recreation, and sporting competition.

2018 Table of Contents

NFPA® 1127 Code for High Power Rocketry 2018 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration
1.1 Scope. (Reserved)
1.2 Purpose.
1.3 Application.
1.4 Enforcement.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
2.1 General.
2.2 NFPA Publications.
2.3 Other Publications.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.
Chapter 3 Definitions
3.1 General.
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.
3.3 General Definitions.
Chapter 4 Requirements for High Power Rocket Construction and Operation
4.1 Range Safety Officer (RSO) Requirements and Responsibilities.
4.2 User Certification.
4.3 Operating Clearances.
4.4 Preflight Inspection.
4.5 High Power Rocket Motors and Motor Components.
4.6 Rocket Construction.
4.7 Rocket Airframe Materials.
4.8 Stability.
4.9 Weight and Power Limits.
4.10 Recovery.
4.11 Payloads.
4.12 Launching Devices.
4.13 Ignition Systems and Electronic Systems Controlling On-Board Pyrotechnic Components.
4.14 Launch Site.
4.15 Launcher Location.
4.16 Spectator and Participant Distances.
4.17 Launch Operations.
4.18 Launch Control.
4.19 Storage of High Power Rocket Motors, Motor-Reloading Kits, and Pyrotechnic Modules.
Chapter 5 High Power Rocket Motor User Certification
5.1 Sales Only to Certified Users.
5.2 User Permit Requirements.
5.3 Maintenance of Sales Records.
5.4 User Certification Provisions.
Chapter 6 Prohibited Activities
6.1 Prohibited Acts.
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B High Power Rocket Safety Code of the National Association of Rocketry
Annex C Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA�1127
Annex D Informational References

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.
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Reduce fire dangers and related hazards associated with high power rocketry using the latest safety guidelines in the 2018 edition of NFPA 1127.

NFPA 1127, Code for High Power Rocketry applies to the design, construction, limitation of propellant mass and power, and reliability of high power rocket motors and motor components, for use by a certified user for education, recreation, and sporting competition. The Code also includes a chapter on prohibited activities.

The 2018 edition is updated to reflect current technology for the model rocket hobbyist.

The 2018 edition allows for the installation of an ignition device into a vented hybrid rocket motor at any time, recognizing that there is no hazard until the vented hybrid rocket motors are filled with oxidizer and that this type of motor has been certified for some time.

This edition also contains an update in Annex B to the National Association of Rocketry’s High Power Model Rocket Safety Code to the current 2012 edition. (Print, 24 pp., 2018)

كان السعر الأصلي: $157.00.السعر الحالي هو: $113.04.